Today is:   January 17

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Advanced Event Search

To view full search results, login to your LEEP Membership (paid subscription) Non-members will view partial results.

Find events using different criteria. List your keywords. Choose the year (the next year is posted in the October) and get results, or narrow your search with date range, topic/category, country and length.

1. Enter Keyword

Note: Keywords include event champion or sponsor, event name, adjectives. Separate each with commas. Try several different keywords if synonyms exist.


2. Choose the Date Range for your search.


Note: Events occurring in the next year are added in October

Start Date:


End Date:


3. Choose up to 5 Event Categories

4. Choose up to 5 Countries or Regions

Note: Choosing a specific country delivers events specific to that nation only. Choose the specific country and “worldwide” events for a full picture of registered events occurring in that nation.

5. Length of Events*

*Daily events take place on a specific day or weekend. Weekly events last more than 4 days. Monthly events cover a 28-31 day and up to an 11 month time frame. Annual events occur for the given year and decade events will span may years.


Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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