Today is:   October 22

Scroll to explore events active on this date.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the (+) to see the answer.

3. How do I get a complete list of events for my country or category?

You need to be a member of LEEP Calendar, either professional or champion, and use the Advanced Search.

First, run your country through the search and choose the category if applicable.

Secondly, run "Worldwide" through the search and select the category if applicable.

Combining these two lists will give the complete picture of events in your country currently on the calendar.

4. Where did the idea for LEEP come from?

It began in 1995 when our founder sold radio advertising for KZOK/KMPS in Seattle. The station provided special training on vendor marketing, going directly to the manufacturers, regional headquarters, and resellers for non-traditional advertising dollars. An event calendar proved to be the critical tool for getting to VITO (Very Important Top Official—the person with the money who could okay a promotion). She stayed briefly at the radio stations. Then she took this knowledge and tactic to the Los Angeles Business Journal, where she used it to land local advertising dollars from Xerox, AST/Samsung, Microsoft, and other major tech companies of the time, tripling her desk's revenue within 18 months.

By 1999, she switched to editorial, started her own online publication, and grew that for the next twelve years. In 2009, following the economy tanking and with the rise of social media, she created an editorial calendar for the website. Its focus was on family, relationships, sexuality, and romance. Yet, when she searched for events specific to these, there wasn't a single authoritative source or even a list (LEEP has over 300 a year in this category each year).

It took four months to create that initial list of over 100 relationship events, and even then, half the dates were different depending on the source. The whole process was insane. Concurrently, she was nursing her wounds from a devastating break-up with her fiancé and wasn't really into the whole "relationship thing" anymore. She merged the relationship company with two others and walked away.

LEEP was born, though it would take twelve years of research, every cent she had, a patchwork of jobs, freelancing, several continents, and being sideswiped by her ex (which set the calendar back another four years when she had to start from scratch) before it would finally go live.

Which brings us to today. Welcome to LEEP. It may not be perfect yet, but if there is one thing our founder is, it is persistent. We'll get there. Thank you for supporting us—and thank you for the gift of your time!

5. How do you decide what goes in LEEP Calendar?

Research and verify. Our goal is to be the go-to source for people seeking timely topics for promotions, awareness campaigns, location-based events, features, and articles. We look to see if it is real, a joke, and if it has someone behind it.

Venue-specific events [e.g., trade shows, concerts, fairs, festivals, conferences, etc.] must be open to the public (or a trade-specific audience) and be able to accommodate 400 or more people.

Awareness events, individual days, weeks, months, and anniversaries are researched. If a specific organization/person is behind it, is in a press release, has been featured by the media in the past year, or is tied to something historical, it goes into the calendar. Companies, organizations, individuals, event promoters, and venues champion their events.

6. What regions of the world does LEEP cover?

We're international, and it is crucial to understand this when adding an event to LEEP as a Champion. Many social agendas, terms, beliefs, and activities common in the United States do not translate well overseas. Therefore, sticking with facts and definitions is advisable while avoiding jargon or partisan descriptions. This is particularly acute when dealing with issues in Politics, Military, Human Rights, Health, Religion, and the LGBTQ+ categories. LEEP reserves the right to edit such entries to conform to international understanding and norms. When in doubt, follow the United Nations guidelines and those codified in various international treaties.

The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, and China currently have the most events; however, every day, we're adding more from all over the world, and event champions are adding theirs to our database.

7. Do you have descriptions for each of the events?

Yes, every single event has a description. If one doesn't show, we're having technical problems.

8. What do the categories mean?

The categories assist professionals with isolating events that match their market or target demographic. There are seventy distinct categories, and each event can have up to six categories. Their descriptions can be found by clicking through that category on the Categories pagein the masthead. Event categories are listed from most prominent (left) to least prominent (right). If it is an anniversary date, the anniversary will always be the first category listed.

9. When you estimate a date, how do you do that?

First, we contact the organizer. If no one responds, we look at the last seven years of that event's existence for patterns. If we're lucky, the pattern is obvious. We're not always fortunate. If we can't see a pattern (e.g., the event always seems to fall on the third Wednesday of September), we'll consult the day it fell on in the last year like this one (e.g., the last time a year's dates matched 2024 was 1996). Finally, if none of the above work (and often they don't), we'll roll the event back one day (two in a leap year). Most importantly, we mark estimated events with an (est).

It is important to note that many onsite events do not announce their dates until a few weeks out. Even weekly events that are annual often aren't posted until just before the event (Australian NGOs are notorious for this). US Government, senate, and congressional events are usually officially announced after the event passes. Nobody said this is logical.

10. Where do the events come from?

To make it into the LEEP Calendar, each event has to be independently verified as an actual event by a human being. To create the initial database, we used a variety of resources, including traditional sources, newswire services, governments, NGOs, magazines, news reports, articles, patent databases, our own travel, Google®, Yahoo® and Dogpile® searches, Twitter®, Facebook®, LinkedIn® and anything else we can get our hands. Our founder is a news and history junky, so pretty much everything is a possible source.

Once we have a base list, we research each event to determine where it is located, who is behind it, and whether or not it ran in the past year. What is the event about? Is it a historical anniversary, and if so, for what and when? Does it run on the same day yearly, or does it change? Is it based upon a historical event or patent? If no event URL is available, we look for a source that will add to the understanding of that topic we can link to. This becomes the reference URL. It's meticulous and tedious but necessary.

11. I see an error in an event; how do I report it?

Use the LEEP error reporting console.

12. How do I submit events to LEEP?

Register to become an Event Champion.Fill out the Google Doc spreadsheet with the event's information. Upload the Google Doc Link to LEEP. We'll look at the event(s). If it meets our inclusion standards and all required fields are filled out, you'll be charged the annual event fee for each event accepted. Once charged, you become an event champion subscriber with full access to all areas of LEEP Calendar. You can also manage your events, update them, add to them, and make changes whenever you like.

13. You have an event we champion in the calendar. How can we take over its administration?

First, check the lower right corner of the event's page. If it says "LEEP," under "Event Manager," then we're the current administrator, and that event is open to the actual champion.

Next, register to become an Event Champion. Grab the URL of the event(s) you consider yourself the champion of and notify us through your champion account. Once we've verified you are the champion, submit the event's annual fee, and we'll transfer the administration of the event and its presentation over to you.

14. Can a religious organization take over the administration of all the faith holidays and observances in its faith?

To avoid promoting any single doctrine, no single entity can control more than 25 percent of the six core faith's religious events (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Judaism). For example, the Orthodox Church of America may choose to manage Orthodox Christian holidays, and the Catholic Bishops of America may choose Catholic events. However, only 25% of all events classified as Christian can be controlled by either. Same with Islam. A Shiite organization may choose to be the go-to champion on several Islamic observances, while a Sunni organization chooses others. Neither can be the champion for more than 25 percent of all Islamic events.

The entity listed as the champion must be a recognized authority for the faith and be available for questions from journalists and other professional members.

15. Why do I have to pay to submit events?

To gain control of the event (within our editorial and content guidelines). You choose what to say, which documents to include for download, the videos shown, and any additional pictures. You decide on the source URL, the header image, the headline, and who you list as the champion contact. This is marketing you control for a meager cost.

Secondly, it helps us keep the submitted events authentic and cuts down on spam, propaganda, and other ways bad actors might choose to use LEEP that don't support our mission.

Third, if payment is tendered, the event is generally legitimate, and the organizations behind it, who are now invested, will ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Fourth, this isn't social media. We know Bobby's birthday and Jem and John's wedding are big deals for the people involved; they're private events, not LEEP Calendar events.

Fifth, payment is protection for our event champions. The general public can access most features of the site; however, only paid professional members and event champions can access the event champion's name, address, phone, email, and other contact information. This feature prevents unknown actors from scraping the database, doxxing, and other malicious behavior associated with public contact information. However, it provides the information to those most likely to use it: sponsors, journalists, partners, public relations specialists, and event planners.

Finally, you don't have to pay. You can wait, and hope we stumble upon your event in our research. However, it took us 12 years to put together the 10,000-plus annual events on LEEP, and with millions of events a year worldwide, it could be a while.

16. Who hosts, champions, or sponsors the events?

LEEP has over 5,000 event champions, including commercial organizations, nongovernment agencies, governments, and individuals. If an event originator is unavailable and the event is not an anniversary, but it is promoted by at least one news organization in the past year, you'll see it listed as an "Unofficial Event. No Sponsor."

Approximately 15 percent of events fall under "Unofficial Event." Whenever it is possible, we will recommend an authority on that subject. An example is: "Unofficial Event. No Sponsor. See the Center for Disease Control on this topic."

17. How can we advertise on LEEP?

When we launch, we'll be using Google Ads. As soon as we have enough traffic and revenue flow, AdOpsOne will handle optimization and advertising partners for us. Advertising is shown to the non-members of LEEP, the general public, who account for 90% of our traffic. Professional and champion members logged into their accounts do not see ads.

18. What is your refund policy?

We stand behind our products, and your satisfaction is important to us. Event Champions are charged on a per-event per-year basis and are only charged once we've approved the event for inclusion and then annually until they terminate the event. Depending on the level of submissions, approval may take a few weeks or happen that day. Each event submission must be verified and reviewed by a human before acceptance.

Professional memberships last for a year and auto-renew. Due to the digital nature of our products, once delivered, we generally do not offer refunds because there is no way for you to return the product unused. If you change your mind about your purchase and have yet to log in to your membership or download one of our products, we will happily issue you a refund upon your request. By canceling your membership, you will not be charged at the time of renewal and your membership remains active until that time.

Refund requests made after you have logged in or downloaded our product are handled individually at our sole discretion. Refund requests must be made within three (3) days of your original purchase and include the original receipt, which is emailed. Copy and paste this into the contact form along with your request.

LEEP Calendar uses a third party to handle all banking and financial details. We do not keep your financial information on our servers. Refunds are processed according to the bank's policies and can take up to thirty (30) days. Use the Contact Form to request a refund.

19. How do third-party reservation and purchase links work?

Purchases made outside of and our affiliates are subject to the terms and conditions of the companies and organizations purchased from. These include reservation and ticket links associated with individual events on, and any products or services showcased in advertisements, comments, or not designated as a product/service of Jubilee LLC.

20. If an event is on the calendar, does LEEP endorse it?

No. There are a lot of events in the calendar we'd prefer not to include, but we must. The appearance of an event in LEEP Calendar does not imply endorsement of the event or the organization championing it by Jubilee LLC, its stakeholders, customers, or subsidiaries. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive resource for events, holidays, venue-specific events, and promotions, whether or not we agree with the content, political position, social movement, philosophy, cause, or purpose.

Organizations highlighted as recommended resources for historical events or unofficial/unsponsored events are presented as suggested resources due to their previously demonstrated areas of expertise. Being named as a recommended resource does not imply Jubilee LLC's endorsement of the organization, nor its endorsement by our stakeholders, customers, or subsidiaries.

The articles, opinions, and views provided by Jubilee LLC or on are not intended to serve as medical, legal, financial, or any other advice category. All content is provided for information and entertainment purposes only. Additional documents, images, and videos may be authored by licensed psychologists, mental health professionals, legal, financial, and other experts, or by journalists and are provided to assist in understanding the content of a specific event. For health-related or sponsored events, we may quote directly and at length from the champion's collateral or a recognized expert in that field.

21. How can I use LEEP Calendar?

We put together guides for the most common visitors to LEEP. Check these out to see how others use LEEP.

Executives & Business Owners
Public Relations
Event Planning
Media Sales & Advertising Professionals
Bloggers & Journalism

22. How do you define locations?

We follow United Nations and International Treaty guidelines on what is or is not a country, territory, or under occupation. We've divided the world into event categories to facilitate regional exploration.

Australia & New Zealand
Brazil & South America
China, Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia & the Koreas
Eastern Europe
Mexico, Central America & the Caribbean
South & Southeast Asia
South Africa
The Middle East & West Asia
United Kingdom & Ireland
United States

23. Do you do trade shows and conventions?

Yes! Absolutely—plus festivals, fairs and symposiums. We currently have several hundred of each on the calendar. This is a key growth area for us. We want people to be able to find these events in their industry so they can attend, sponsor, exhibit, or partner quickly.

24. We are planning to create an event. When should we do that?

May and October are the most popular months of the year to champion an event. The least popular is December, followed by July. The fewer events, the less competition you'll have for press, attention, participation, and related resources.

Health events are more concentrated in the spring. Education events tend to follow the school year. These are just some of the factors you should consider if you're looking to create an event.

You should also check the calendar first to see if the topic of your event is already in play by another organization or in another country. It is far less expensive, and you'll have more impact if you combine resources with an organization already running an event than creating one from scratch. Many successful international events began this way, with an organization developing an event within their home country, making it a success, and expanding to other countries via in- country partners.

25. How do I reach you with a question?

See our contact page. Use the Contact Form


Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

Copyright © Jubilee LLC / 2024. All rights reserved.