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Privacy Policy


GDPR Privacy Policy (Jubilee LLC) uses third party banks and PayPal to process all orders. We do not keep any of your transactional information on our servers and we have no access to it. We do use Google Analytics to track our marketing activities and effectiveness.

Privacy is as important to us as it is to you. Our founder is a staunch adversaries of unsolicited e-mail, direct mail and intrusive telemarketing, which is one of the reasons why at Jubilee LLC we are commit- ment to protecting your privacy. We will never sell, rent, publish or distribute your name, email address or other identifiable information collected via registration or during an e-commerce transaction, Web site features or cookies to any third party without your consent. In the event that we are sold or acquired by a 3rd party, all members with current contact information will be given the opportunity to remove their infor- mation from our systems prior to the transfer or merging of assets.

Jubilee LLC is part of Jubilee LLC. Questions asked are purely for the internal marketing, editorial creation and product planning use of Jubilee LLC. Though detailed, this information allows us to decided what products to carry, what price ranges will suit our membership, where to look for special offers for our mem- bers, plus the direction of our editorial, courses and other service offerings. For auditing purposes, it sub- stantiates our membership and visitor numbers. Any personal information collected on Jubilee LLC is knowingly and voluntarily provided by customers and visitors to our site. Under no circumstance is this information ever sold, leased, published or rented to a third party without your expressed consent. Should changes be made to our privacy policy, all registered customers in our database will be notified of the changes and given the opportunity to opt-out of their membership.

In the event that Jubilee LLC is bought, merged or acquired by a third party, all members of the Jubilee LLC Lists with valid contact information will be notified prior to the third party taking possession of Jubilee LLC. This notification will ask whether members prefer to remain members after the transfer or prefer to remove their information from the Jubilee LLC Lists prior to the transfer. Federal law and tax requirements mandate we keep on file records relating to purchases for up to seven years. This includes online transac- tions initiated via Jubilee LLC. Information contained in these documents can not be changed or eliminat- ed in the event of a sale or transfer. However information collected for commerce purposes will never be used to contact a customer unless it relates to the transaction covered within the context of the document. This requirement will be a non-negotiable item in the event of a sale, acquisition or merger of Storybook Advent with a third party.

Many of our shopping functions are outsourced. Should you choose to purchase from a Jubilee LLC vendor, you will be prompted for information and given the opportunity to submit to that vendor individually or allow Jubilee LLC to drop in your name, shipping address, and phone number from your Jubilee LLC Lists member file.

Your address and phone number are required to ship or deliver products. Your email address will be used to send you two emails following a purchase, one to confirm your order has shipped, and the second to provide an itemized order summary with your order number and tracking number so that you can find the status of your order. If necessary, a Jubilee LLC customer service representative may contact you by tele- phone to resolve any issues concerning your order.

We may occasionally run contests and other similar promotions on our site. As a visitor, you are automati- cally eligible unless your state or country laws exempt you. Winners of cash prizes and merchandise will be required to complete all personal income forms required by their government to claim prizes. Winners of publishing contracts will be required to sign appropriate publishing contracts.

1. IP address –

a. Diagnose problems with our server and Web site administration.

b. Used to identify you and your shopping cart.

c. Used to prevent multiple distribution of digital products to persons other than the person who purchased

2. Your name & password

a. Verify that you are a registered customer

b. Prevent anyone else who may have access to your computer
from ordering in your name without your express permission.

c. Provides access to marketing materials and samples for organizations using Storybook Advent for fund- raising purposes.

Jubilee LLC may share non-personal, non-individual information in aggregate form with our vendors and marketing partners for research purposes. This includes aggregate data about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information. You always have the opportunity to opt-out of receiving future mail- ings from Jubilee LLC or our partners; see the section below entitled Opt-out.

Jubilee LLC reserves the right to share personal information with legal authorities to the extent required by law

Users may experience Jubilee LLC within a co-branded environment alongside one of our partners. These companies are strategic partners. Co-branded pages are recognizable by two methods. 1) By the pres- ence of a “frame” either at the top the page and/or when both companies’ brand logos are presented together on the page. 2) By a separate browse window opening to allow access to the partners site without leaving Jubilee LLC. In such situations, individual user information may be shared only between our two companies in an effort to better understand and meet our customers’ needs. An example of this would be your region of the country or zip code. Should you have additional privacy concerns, please also refer to the privacy policy of our partner from whose site you visited prior to arriving at Jubilee LLC.

Jubilee LLC may at a later date choose to use a feature of your Internet browser called a “cookie” to assign a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are files that your Web browser places on your comput- er’s hard drive. Jubilee LLC creates and then uses these cookie files to track your clicks as you browse the Jubilee LLC Web site.

Cookies are like your business card and they tell us whether you have visited Jubilee LLC previously and to help us determine whether you came to us from a particular Internet link or banner advertisement. They also help us determine which areas are most important to people like you so we can best determine what features, products and services to carry on Jubilee LLC.

Cookies allow you to save time and frustration by storing the user names and passwords you use on our site and information on past purchases and personal preferences. By doing this, you do not have to re-en- ter the information. Should you disable the use of cookies on your browser, you will need to re-enter this information whenever you visit our site. Jubilee LLC will not and cannot use cookies to retrieve personal information about you from your computer.

Jubilee LLC provides customers the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us during your Jubilee LLC Lists registration. We give you the following options to change or modify your information in our database and to choose not to receive future communications.

For Questions, concerns and curiosities about the Jubilee LLC privacy statement and Web site, please contact us at:

Jubilee LLC
1712 Pioneer Avenue, Suite 2019,
Cheyenne, WY 82001
+1 (484) 226.4777 (GMT -5)

The articles, opinions and views provided by Jubilee LLC or on are not intended as medical, legal or financial advice. All information is provided for entertainment purposes only. Features are authored by licensed psychologists, mental health professionals, legal, financial and other experts or by journalists. Additional content is provided by affiliated companies and Jubilee LLC patrons. Articles and content contained herein are not to be used as a substitute for medical attention, diagnosis, treatment, or other professional mental health or medical services. As laws, details and personal situations vary from person to person and state to state, articles and content contained herein are not and cannot to be used as a substitute for legal, parental. health, mental health, career or financial advice.


Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

Copyright © Jubilee LLC / 2025. All rights reserved.