Today is:   January 17

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How Events in LEEP Calendar are Coded

Format Events:All events titles (2018 forward) have a hierarchy of information and their namesadhere to the following structure:

1) Keyword(if needed), followed by a coma.

2) Event name

  • Coma followed by Ntl., Intl., World, Global or other location designation

  • Parenthesis (Descriptive Word) if applicable

  • Parenthesis (Religious Abbreviation) if applicable

  • Parenthesis (Country / State Abbreviations) if applicable

  • Parenthesis (Anniversary Year) if applicable

3) Date: Start Month/Day/Year through End Month/Day/Year

The United States of America is the default country.

Example: iPod Day, Intl. (2001): October 23

Translation: International iPod Day celebrates the anniversary of the premiere of theiPod on October 23, 2001.

Example: Sausage Week, (UK): October 28 - November 3 (est)

Translation: Sausage Week in the United Kingdom occurs October 28-November 3 this year.








More than one event

of the same or similar title by different sponsors, different countries or at different times.



Date in the title is the anniversary year for an event.




Unless noted, national refers to United States.




This event is intended to be observed worldwide and has support in a minimum of five countries

Religious Designations

(C) = Christian Event

(B) = Buddhist Event

(M) = Muslim or Islamic Event

(H) = Hindu Event

(J) = Jewish Event

(S) = Sikh Event

Location Designations

2-letter ISO Country Codes = Nation where the event takes place. Note: UK is used for Great Britian rather than GB.

2-letter ISO Country Codes = Nation where the event takes place. Note: UK is used for Great Britian rather than GB.

(AU) or (AU/UK) Two letter country code or two letter country codes separated by forward slash = (Australia) or (Australia/United Kingdom). This event takes place primarily in this/these country(ies).

We will list up to four in the title, separated by a backslash. If more than four, the event is considered worldwide.


Date includes / or – = Begins at Sundown/Ends at Sundown or Begins this day – Ends this day.

States & Provinces

(AU-NSW) Two letter Country Code followed by em-dash and initials =
(Australia—New South Wales). Country – State/Province of occurrence when applicable.

Example 1: Yom Kippur (J): October 7/8

Translation: The international Jewish observance of Yom Kippur begins at sundown on October 7 and ends at sundown on October 8, 2019.

Example 2: Rosh Hashanah (J): September 29-October 1

Translation: Rosh HaShanah, is the Jewish New Year. The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, literally "day of shouting or blasting.


Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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