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For the current year, this category includes: 1271 events.
Results in this category are exclusive to Africa or celebrate African culture. Run a search on Worldwide Events for additional events in Africa. South Africa also has its own category.
Republic Day in Ghana marks the anniversary of July 1, 1960, the official inauguration of the republic. This is a national holiday.
Sir Seretse Khama Day commemorates the July 1, 1921 birth of Khama, Botswana's first president. This is a national holiday.
Heroes Day in Zambia is their memorial day for all persons whom have perished in service to the nation. This national holiday occurs on the first Monday in July.
Independence Day in Cape Verde marks the anniversary of July 5, 1975, the official separation of the nation from Portugal. This is a national holiday.
Independence Day in Algeria marks the anniversary of July 5, 1962, the official separation of the nation from France. This is a national holiday.
Independence Day in Comoros marks the anniversary of July 6, 1975, the official separation of the nation from France. This is a national holiday.
Republic Day in Malawi, formerly Nyasaland, marks the anniversary of July 6, 1964, the official separation from the nation of Great Britain. This is a national holiday.
Like Heroes Day on Monday, Unity Day is an additional Memorial Day. However, this day specifically honors those whom fought and died in Zambia's struggle for independence. This national holiday is held an...
<p>Can you say "Saba-Saba"? If you can, you just learned a new word. "Saba" is "seven" in Kiswahili (Swahili); it is also the official name of the this holiday marking the an...
July 8, 2011 marks the day the Republic of South Sudan became a state. On July 9, 2011 after a 98.83% votes in a previous referendum and agreement, it declared its independence from Sudan and ended the lo...
Held annually on the birthday of King Hassan II, July 9, 1929, Youth Day is a celebration of all things related to children, hope and the future in Morocco.
Revolution Day in Egypt marks the July 23, 1952 anniversary of the revolution to overthrow Egypt's monarch. Nasser, a general, would become its first president. This is an national holiday.
Republic Day in Tunisia marks the anniversary of July 25, 1957, the official declaration of the republic. This is a national holiday.
Independence Day in Liberia marks the anniversary of July 26, 1847, the day the nation became a republic. This is a national holiday.
Created in 2019, International Igbo Day celebrates the Igbo people of Nigeria. With over 42,000 people within the nation and diaspora, Igbo is the largest single tribe. However, its language, culture and...
Marking the end of British colonization of Kenya on June 1, 1963, Madaraka Day, or self-rule day, is a national holiday in the nation of Kenya.
The Fes Music Festival, held in Fes, Morocco, began in 1994 as a celebration of cultural music traditions from around the world. It attracts over 65,000 visitors every year. The Festival brings together...
National Reconciliation Day in Congo celebrates the reconciliation of Congo in Brazzaville and the conference returning the nation back to a non-Marxist economy and the original flag, June 10, 1991. This...
Independence Day in Mozambique marks the anniversary of June 25, 1975, the official separation of the nation from Portugal. This is a national holiday.