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For the current year, this category includes: 2038 events.
The Alcohol Category highlights events related to alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs, be they prescription, herbal, legal, or illicit, that occur during this calendar year.
Each May, NCADD and National Network of Affiliates play a major and vital role across the US in educating people, especially women, about the dangers of consuming alcohol and using drugs during pregnancy....
National Prevention Week first organized in 2011 to allow schools to take part in a drug prevention-themed event before the school year ends, raising awareness in students of all ages. The percentages o...
World Whisky Day celebrates the 'water of life' and encourages everyone the world over to sample a dram and celebrate. Promoted by Hot Rum Cow Publishing Ltd annually on the 3rd Saturday of May.
Someone got smart and mixed beer, dogs and dog lovers together for a pub crawl to raise funds for the Oregon Humane Society. What could be more fun? How about a costumed Parade of Pugs featuring over 100...
Over 2,000 locations through out the Philadelphia metro area in Pennsylvania take part in Philadelphia Beer Week. This 10 day celebration of all things beer includes prizes, discussions, happy hours and v...
World No Tobacco Day encourages smokers to quit their deadly habit for a day and raises awareness about the problems of tobacco smoking, for smokers, and for those around them.
Whether self-induced through suicide, or a victim of side affects, Antidepressant Death Awareness Month is a month to remember all those whom have been injured or killed at the hands of someone taking or...
This event used to occur on the third full week of October, but moved to a Month long event in 2017. As homecoming gets underway and students return to class, this US government sponsored week seeks to ra...
National Healthy Lung Month is organized by the American Lung Association and seeks to educate the population about environmental hazards and health risks, which can affect lung health and our ability to...
National Liver Awareness Month is devoted to the importance of liver health. The month focuses on the causes and treatments for liver diseases including hepatitis A, B and C, cirrhosis, biliary atresia an...
National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month is promoted by several organizations including CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America). It seeks to raise awareness about the dangers of medicine abuse an...
October is American Pharmacist Month and a chance to show appreciation to all pharmacists do for us. Millions of lives, both saved and enhanced, are touched each year by this profession. Take this opport...
First held in 2011 and kicked off with a proclamation by President Barack Obama, National Substance Abuse Prevention Month exists to urge people and organizations to engage in appropriate programs, events...
Voda is Russian for water and Vodka is Russia's water of life. First distilled in homes during the 9th Century AD, the first commercial distillery was reported in the 1174 AD Vyatka Chronicle. Now, th...
Each October Pharmacists Planning Service, Inc. sponsors Food & Drug Interaction Education Week in October. Consumers are often unaware the some medications are affected by the foods we eat, herbs we con...