Today is:   March 18

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For the current year, this category includes: 5656 events.

Category: Animals, Insects, Birds, Fish & Reptiles

Events celebrating or highlighting animals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles, and other forms of non-plant life.

If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.

Dogfighting Awareness Day, National: April...


As part of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month in April, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) designates April 8 National Dogfighting Awareness Day to rai...


Draw a Picture of a Bird Day (1946): April...


Dab Day, or Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, is celebrated by soldiers, medical personnel, and their families. Its origin is a story from 1943. It is the story of Dorie Cooper, a seven-year-old girl livin...


Zoo Lovers Day, Ntl.: April 8


Zoos originated in the 18th century (The Tower of London once held a Zoo) and have been a family favorite ever since. Zoo Lover's Day is about showing your appreciation for the conservation and educationa...


ASPCA Day (1866): April 10


Today marks the anniversary of the creation of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®) by Henry Bergh in 1866.


Farm Animal Day, Ntl.: April 10


Farm animals are in our lives, whether they live among us, provide sustenance or perform various jobs. National Farm Animal Day raises awareness about the necessity of farm animals and treating them hu...


Hug Your Dog Day, Ntl: April 10


National Hug Your Dog Day is self-explanatory: hug your dog. This event has been around since the mid-2000s and was initially started by dog trainer Ami Moore of Chicago.


Dog Therapy Appreciation Day: April 11


Therapy dogs are different than service dogs. Service dogs perform specific tasks their owners can't do due to disabilities, such as seeing-eye dogs. Therapy dogs fulfill a psychological function, providi...


Pet Day, Ntl.: April 11


National Pet Day celebrates pet owners everywhere (and provides an excuse to spoil our furry, gilled, scaled, and feathered friends). Whether it's with some extra treats, a longer, special walk somewhere...


Catch and Release Day, Ntl.: April 12


National Catch and Release Day is an event or occasion to promote and celebrate the practice of catch and release fishing, a technique used in recreational fishing to promote fisheries conservation. Cele...


Tails for Trails: April 12 (est)


Every spring, the Tails on Trails 5K & 10K Walk/Run, organized by NHES, occurs at the picturesque State Arboretum of Virginia at Blandy Experimental Farm in Boyce, Virginia, in support of Spay Today. Part...


Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week,...


The National Animal Care & Control Association holds its annual week to celebrate and promote professionalism within animal care and control. This week of appreciation recognizes the hard-working men a...


Dog Bite Prevention Week, Ntl.: April 13-1...


National Dog Bite Prevention Week® encourages us to do our best to prevent dog bites. Dog bites are the 11th leading cause of non-fatal injuries to children in the first decade of this century. This event...


Pet ID Week, Ntl.: April 13-19


National Pet ID Week has one sole purpose: to raise awareness about the importance of updating your pet's identification tags and microchips. Each year tens of thousands of house pets go missing. Only t...


Dolphin Day, Ntl.: April 14


Dolphin Day is an unofficial event observed globally for over 25 years. Initially focused on raising awareness of the Southeast Asia hunting practices affecting dolphins, today, it is simply a celebration...


Pet Owners Independence Day: April 18


Thomas & Ruth Roy from Wellcat Holidays & Herbs created Pet Owners Independence Day. It's a day for pet owners everywhere to say, "Enough is enough!" skip a day from work and spend it on the couch or th...


Circus Day, World: April 19


World Circus Day celebrates the traditional circus arts and presentations found throughout the world. Circuses have been a part of modern culture since the Roman Empire, and the current version with a big...


Laboratory Animals, World Week For: April...


World Week for Animals in Laboratories occurs the week of the United Nation's World Laboratory Animals Day, April 24. The goal of this week is to spotlight this issue and educate people about how animals...


Parks Week, Ntl: April 19-27 (est)


For one week each April, we join the National Park Foundation, the official caretaker of America's national parks, in celebrating America's treasures. National Park Week is a time to explore unique places...


Pets @ Work Day, Ntl.: April 19


Pet supply company Petco sponsors National Pets @ Work Day. Sharing a workspace with your pet brings peace of mind (less stressing about potty breaks and lack of attention) and some notable health benefi...


Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day, Ntl.: April 21


Created in 2007, Bulldogs are Beautiful Day is one of a handful of events created by book authors after the release of their books. This particular event derives from the book "Stinky the Bulldog" by Jack...


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