Today is:   March 18

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For the current year, this category includes: 5656 events.

Category: Animals, Insects, Birds, Fish & Reptiles

Events celebrating or highlighting animals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles, and other forms of non-plant life.

If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.

Mammal Week, Ntl. (UK): April 21-27 (est)


National Mammal Week, previously in October, moved to April in 2024. Organized by the Mammal Society, this event raises awareness for mammals native to the United Kingdom and the issues these animals face...


Dog, Lost Dog Awareness Day: April 23


More dogs go missing on July 5 than any other each year, according to PawBoost, most likely due to the fireworks and festivities the night before. Because of this, Paw Boost has established National Lost...


Animals, Laboratory Animals, World Day for...


World Day for Laboratory Animals is a United Nations-recognized day commemorating the suffering and killing of millions of innocent animals in testing laboratories worldwide. Each nation has its organiza...


Hairball Awareness Day, Ntl.: April 25


Many wonderful things accompany spring, including blooming flowers, warmer days, and a generally happier disposition. It also has some not-so-good things, like allergies and hairballs. Hairball Awareness...


Malaria Day, World: April 25


World Malaria Day is devoted to the battle against malaria. In 2022, the global tally of malaria reached 619,000 malaria deaths and nearly 250 million new cases. A child dies from malaria every two minu...


Penguin Day, World: April 25


World Penguin Day exists to promote conservation efforts towards one of the most unique and yet mostly endangered species of birds on the planet —the penguin. It is observed worldwide by many conservation...


Horse, Help a Horse Day, Ntl.: April 26


Help a Horse Day is a national contest to raise awareness of the plight of horses. Equine rescues and sanctuaries are encouraged to host an event highlighting the work they do and showing community member...


Kids and Pets Day, Ntl.: April 26


Kids and Pets Day was created in 2005 by celebrity family and pet lifestyle expert Colleen Paige. National Kids and Pets Day furthers the magical bond between children and animals to help bring awarenes...


Pet Tech CPR Day: April 26


Created in 2018, Pet Tech CPR Day teaches emergency skills to pet parents and practitioners. The objective is to prevent unnecessary pet emergency room visits and needless deaths by instructing people in...


Veterinary Day, World: April 26


The World Veterinary Association created World Veterinary Day in 2000 as an annual celebration of the veterinary profession on the last Saturday of April. Each year, the WVA and World Organization for Ani...


Dog, Little Pampered Dog Day, Ntl.: April...


National Little Pampered Dog Day was created to celebrate owners who genuinely care for and love their dogs, bring attention to the fact that not all dogs are so lucky, and communicate that dogs are livin...


Pet Parent's Day, Bella's, Ntl.: April 27


Bella's Pet Parent Day is an annual holiday founded by Stacey Starks to celebrate and honor Pet Parents and all they do for their fur babies. Every year the number of American households with pets continu...


Stewardship Week, Ntl.: April 27 - May 4


Created in 1955 to draw attention to America's need to protect its natural resources, National Stewardship Week ensures quality of life with supporting the economy. The National Association of Conservatio...


Tapir Day, World: April 27


World Tapir Day raises awareness of the species of tapir that inhabit Central and South America and Southeast Asia. One of its objectives is to raise funds to purchase land to protect the animal's habitat...


Adopt a Shelter Pet Day: April 30


National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is an initiative spirited by animal lovers. Falling on April 30 each year, the objective is to put the national spotlight on homeless animals and get them into the caring...


Animal Advocacy Day, Ntl.: April 30


Each year the ASPCA sponsors Animal Advocacy Day to champion the rights of animals. The latest initiative is getting the HEART Act passed through congress. ASPCA explains: "The Help Extract Animals from...


Bugs Bunny Day (1938): April 30


Bugs Bunny Day marks the anniversary of the creation of the cartoon character "Bugs Bunny," which first appeared in the animated cartoon "Porky's Hare Hunt" on April 30, 1938. Bugs Bunny is the joint cre...


Guide Dog Day, Intl.(1989): April 30


International Guide Dog Day raises awareness of the importance of these service animals in helping the blind to participate in society. American Dorothy Harrison Eustis developed the idea for guide dogs i...


Tabby Day, Ntl.: April 30


The most common marking is the familiar stripped pattern on cat fur known as "tabby." Eighty percent of cats can be considered tabby. These tiny tigers warm the hearts of millions of people worldwide, so...


Therapy Animal Day, Ntl.: April 30


Therapy animals are different than service animals. Service animals perform specific tasks their owners can't do due to disability, such as seeing-eye dogs or public service like K-9 police dogs. Therap...


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