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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
National Catfish Month occurs in August, championed by the US Catfish Institute. Farm-raised catfish have come a long way from their bottom-feeding ancestors. Catfish available today (fresh or frozen) a...
Australians celebrate National Cupcake Month to raise awareness and support the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The fundraiser covers the entire month, so Australians can choose an...
Created by the United State's largest no-kill shelter, North Shore Animal League's Dogust is the universal birthday for all shelter animals. Annually on August 1.
Two groups of people claim Rawgust: Vegans and their opposites, raw food proponents for pets (e.g., real meat). It isn't vegan. Rawgust is a promotion by natural food for pets advocate CATalyst Council,...
Velociraptor Attack Prevention Month is the creation of a web development company Velociraptor Aerospace Dynamics. The organization seeks to have a little fun and raise awareness of its products and servi...
How do you know the silly season has arrived? It's time for the World Dog Surfing Championships in California, USA. The 'silly season' is what journalists use to describe late July through Labor Day, a ti...
International Assistance Dog Week is observed annually in early August to honor and raise awareness about animals and their trainers that enrich life for those with disabilities. Key objectives include:...
Clouded Leopard Day is an awareness day dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about the clouded leopard, a beautiful and elusive wild cat native to the forests of Southeast Asia. The day aims to...
International Owl Awareness Day celebrates the winged messenger of wisdom, the owl. There are 236 known species of owls, falling into two families, the Tytonidae and Strigidae. Thirteen owls are currentl...
National Oyster Day is one of a few dozen food holidays created by the Party Excuses Network as a reason to party. Usually eaten raw, oysters have been a favorite luxury food since Greek and Roman time...
Work Like a Dog Day is a chance to thank your employees and coworkers that put in the extra effort and work harder than anyone else for the good of the team. This unofficial event occurs each year during...
GIVE A DOG A BONE WEEK: SUPPORTING PETS OF THE HOMELESS AND POOR Every August, animal lovers and advocates across the United States participate in Give a Dog a Bone Week, a fundraising event to support t...
International Cat Day (aka World Cat Day) seeks to raise awareness about the importance of cats as companions, their needs, and their care. International Cat Day began in 2002.
Officially known as the Royal Queensland Show, this celebration is the most significant cultural exhibition in Brisbane, held at its exhibition grounds. Attendees enjoy competitions, educational displays,...
The actual origins of this event are unclear. However, national retailer Pet Food Direct (now Chewy) has taken up the mantel in promoting this day and offers the following suggestions for National Spoil Y...
According to the IUCN, lion populations have declined 43% in the last 21 years (1993 - 2014), with less than 20,000 remaining. World Lion Day is the first global campaign to celebrate the importance of t...
WORLD ELEPHANT DAY: RAISING AWARENESS FOR GENTLE GIANTS World Elephant Day, celebrated annually on August 12, is a global effort to raise awareness about elephants' plight and promote their conservation....
The Miss Crustacean Beauty Pageant & Hermit Crab Races is an annual event in Ocean City, New Jersey, designed to celebrate hermit crabs (the city's mascot) and provide family-friendly entertainment for lo...
Lizards are members of the reptile family with more than 6,000 species worldwide. The largest is the Komodo Dragon. Except for bearded lizards and Gila monsters, these essential creatures to the ecosystem...
Microchips significantly increase the chances that you'll get your pet back if he/she is lost or stolen, but a microchip only works if its registration information is accurate. To remind pet owners to ha...
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