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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
International Homeless Animals' Day raises awareness of the plight of the animals that do not have owners, often due to overpopulation. ISAR (International Society for Animal Rights) created National Home...
Created in 2009 with USDA backing after lobbying from American beekeepers alarmed by declining bee populations due to herbicide use, Honey Bee Day evolved into an international campaign. There are several...
Saint Roch (Rocco) died on August 16, 1327, under the Julian calendar and is known as the Patron Saint of Dogs. Saint Roch's Day is his feast day in the Catholic Calendar. Catholics have many feast days....
Emerald Downs, a suburban Seattle venue known for live horse racing, transforms into a prehistoric battleground in late August. Over 200 people donning inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex costumes run down the r...
BLACK CAT APPRECIATION DAY Black Cat Appreciation Day is an adoption awareness event. Due to superstition, black cats often have a hard time getting adopted. Islamic and Christian faiths (50% of the worl...
International Orangutan Day falls on the third Sunday of August. This event promotes the conservation and awareness of orangutans.
Mosquitos seem to really like some people, and this writer is one of them. If a mosquito is within fifty feet, I will be bit, multiple times. These little insects form the foundation of several food chain...
International Bat Night falls on the last week of August and aims to educate people on the importance of bats for the environment. They're pollinators, control insect populations, and are a vital part of...
Never Bean Better Day celebrates the unconditional love pets give their owners and is named for the celebrity and registered therapy Golden Retriever, Bean. Never Bean Better Day is a fundraising event, a...
National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day occurs each August and seeks to press the necessity to get your cat's annual check-up. Feline preventative care is essential to your cat's long-term health. Check w...
On August 25, 1916, the Organic Act passed, establishing the United States National Park Service. The service is responsible for maintaining and protecting Federal parks, including national parks, monumen...
National Dog Day is set aside in honor of man's best friend, the dog. The date is the anniversary of Ms. Paige's father adopting their first dog, Sheltie, on August 26, 1980. This celebration also brings...
The Masai Cultural Week Festival unfolds near Sekenani Gate, drawing numerous visitors from neighboring counties. The 2023 inaugural festival timed perfectly with the breathtaking wildebeest migration. T...
The term "Rainbow Bridge" refers to crossing over from life to the afterlife. Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day is about honoring pets that have crossed the bridge and left this life. If you're a pet paren...
National Holistic Pet Day emphasizes the positive impact holistic and natural treatments can have on promoting the quality and longevity of life for your pets. Lifestyle, diet and environment all contribu...
Whale sharks are the most prominent member of the shark family, growing to over 46 feet in length (14m+), which is why they are called whales. These gentle giants have tiny teeth, smaller than most people...
Cat Herders Day honors not cats, but recognizes futility in attempting to manage unmanageable situations, be these in the office, home, or school. Consider it an illustrated version of the Serenity Pray...
Ailurophile is the fancy name for a person who loves cats, and December is National Cat Lover's Month. Cats have been companions to people for over ten to 12,000 years and perform an essential function in...
CELEBRATING THE WORLD'S FASTEST ANIMAL: INTERNATIONAL CHEETAH DAY International Cheetah Day raises awareness about cheetahs, their endangered status, and the conservation efforts aimed at protecting them...
Each year the Audubon Society hosts a three-week bird count across the United States and Canada. The Audubon Christmas Bird Count mobilizes over 72,000 volunteer bird counters in more than 2,500 location...