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For the current year, this category includes: 5656 events.
If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
Howdy! We're working on the description for this event. It's one of over two thousand events added to the calendar this year. We have verified it is an authentic event and have included the organization...
"Brown Dog Day" is an unofficial celebration dedicated to brown-colored dogs, recognizing their presence and significance in the lives of pet lovers and canine enthusiasts worldwide. This day highlights t...
Cats need vaccinations every 2-3 years. If you can't remember the last time your cat saw a vet, National Cat Health Month is a gentle reminder to keep up on your feline's health. It is also the month befo...
Simple yet elegant crab stuffed flounder is often available at finer dining establishments. If you enjoy stuffed chicken breasts, pork chops, or other main dishes combining flavors and textures, Crab Stuf...
Finding Shelter Animal Rescue created a unique Valentine's Day fundraiser called the "Crappiest Valentine Ever," where for a $10 donation, individuals could have their ex's name written on a dog poo bag....
The San Antonio Zoo is on to something with one of the most creative fundraisers we've ever seen. Animals have got to eat, and people need closure, and Cry Me a Cockroach solves both issues. Between Febru...
National Cupcake Day in Canada is one of our favorite events in the LEEP Calendar due to the idea's tremendous success in other countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and England. How can you miss l...
Stargazing, wildlife watching, and even ghost walks are just some of the activities available during the United Kingdom's Dark Skies Festival in Yorkshire, England. It's a chance to appreciate the beauty...
We're unable to determine why today is International Dog Biscuit Day, but we suspect it might relate to the day the first patent on dog biscuits was filed in 1860, as there is no correlation to the birth...
Dog Training Education Month in the US and Canada falls in February. A trained dog is a delight to be around and much safer in its own right. This month is about educating owners about the benefits of do...
Doggie Date Night, a unique and heartwarming concept, has become increasingly popular with dog lovers worldwide. This event, designed to celebrate the bond between humans and their canine companions, typi...
Galgos are an ancient breed of sighthound used in competitions and hunting hares (wild rabbits). Unlike greyhounds, galgos are built for distance running rather than speed. They're relatively quiet dogs t...
The global captive dolphin trade is responsible for Taiji's brutal dolphin hunts to take place worldwide. Every year Sea Shepherd's Cove Guardians have patrolled the Taiji cove, where entire families of c...
Howdy! We're working on the description for this event. It's one of over two thousand events added to the calendar this year. We have verified it is an authentic event and have included the organization...
If your cuddly kitten is over five months old, she could quickly become a litter. Fix by Five Months is a public awareness campaign that encourages new pet parents to get their cats and dogs spayed and ne...
The Georgia State Rodeo is one for the bucket list. There is nothing quite like a rodeo, and everyone should get an opportunity to experience one in their life, even if it has to be through virtual realit...
The Audubon Society and Cornell University Lab of Ornithology created the Great Backyard Bird Count in 1998, with Bird Studies Canada joining in 2009. In 2013 it became a global event, with people in all...
First held in 2015, National Goat Yoga (yes, this is a real thing) takes the monotony out of the traditional yoga routine. It brings real goats in for strength training, novelty, and companionship. The mo...
National Golden Retriever Day is an unofficial event dedicated to one of the most beloved dog breeds, the Golden Retriever. This day is marked by dog lovers and owners showcasing their affection and appre...
Groundhog Day is an American tradition with roots in the Roman Empire, though it combines pagan rituals with Christian observances. It coincides with Candlemas, the date in the Christian calendar 40 days...