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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
Serpent Day celebrates snakes and the importance they play in the ecosystem. It's also a day to learn about safe handling, caring for, and safety in handling snakes, and it is an especially popular event...
Most of the world was horrified by the picture of the turtle with a plastic straw jammed up its nose. Single-use straws continue to add to the abundance of plastic waste worldwide. The students of White...
National Sled Dog day honors Balto, perhaps the most famous sled dog in history. In 1925, during a diphtheria epidemic in Nome, Alaska, Balto and his master Gunnar Kaasen braved the Alaskan wilderness w...
Spay/Neuter Awareness Month is an international awareness campaign highlighting spay and neuter programs implemented by animal shelters and rescue organizations to increase community awareness and support...
World Spaying Day falls on the last Tuesday in February. This event highlights spay and neuter programs implemented by animal shelters and rescue organizations to increase community awareness and support....
Created in 2019 to honor female veterans of the US military, Vet Girls Rise highlights the accomplishments and contributions of women to military service.
However, since dogs need walking daily, use this day as a reminder. There is National Walk Your Dog Week, which occurs in October. National Walking the Dog Day began in 2010 and focuses on the increasing...
Founded in 1877, Westminster Kennel Club held its first dog show at Gilmore's Garden (now Madison Square Garden) in New York City. Present were 1,201 dogs. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is consider...
World Wetlands Day began in 1997. Ever since, government agencies, non-government organizations, and community groups worldwide have recognized World Wetlands Day, focusing on the benefits and necessity o...
World Whale Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of February, raising awareness about the majestic giants of the ocean and the need to protect them. Originating in Maui, Hawaii, the Pacific Whal...
National Wildlife Day, founded in 2005, falls on the birthdate of conservationist "The Crocodile Hunter," Steve Irwin, born February 22, 1962. Irwin Died September 4, 2006. Colleen Paige created this even...
The Cape Town Met, formerly known as the Sun Met, is one of South Africa's most prestigious horse races and a significant event on the country's sporting calendar. The race was first run in 1883, making i...
If you live in West Los Angeles, you may have seen the flock of green parrots. Conventional wisdom is a few birds escaped from a pet store fire sometime in the 1980s, and now they number in the 100s. It’s...
Have a talkative cat? Today's the day you speak back and answer his or her question—another crazy holiday from Wellcat.
During the late fall and winter months, bald eagles flock to Iowa, a warmer home than their summer residences in Alaska and Canada. In Alaska and Canada, the rivers freeze over, so over 1,400 bald eagles...
Each year for three weeks during the Christmas season, the world's wild bird population (over 9,600 species) is counted. Today nearly 12 percent of these species face extinction. Threats to bird populatio...
Riding competitions, livestock, and entertainment, the annual Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo is a bright spot in the otherwise harsh and cold Dakota winters. Initiated in 1958 to bring together the rur...
National Bug Busting Day occurs three times per year in the United Kingdom: January, June, and October. It is a concentrated effort to stem the tide of lice infections within schools and the general popul...
Change a Pet’s Life Day is about keeping your eyes open for distressed animals. Examples include a dog chained outside that never gets off its chain, a cat abandoned by the side of the road, and a horse n...
Chinese New Year is a significant holiday in China and Chinese communities worldwide. It is treated much like Christmas in the west or the Eid holidays in the Islamic world. Festivities last 15 days and a...