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For the current year, this category includes: 5656 events.
If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
Pigeon Forge Wilderness Wildlife Week occurs in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee yearly. It includes educational programs (classes, history, art, and music) and guided hikes focused on the interests of ch...
International Zebra Day celebrates Zebras. Zebras are the striped equids of Africa and are one of the most beloved animals on the planet. There are three primary categories: mountain, plains, or maneless...
ABOUT NATIONAL BISON MONTH National Bison Month is celebrated in July to raise awareness about bison, their historical significance, ecological role, and contributions to North American heritage. The mont...
Born Free Cat Nap highlights the plight of the world's largest felines (and an endangered species). This fundraiser asks people to submit pictures of napping cats to social media. The best/funniest become...
A family pet is lost every two seconds in America, with July 5th being the day with the most entering shelters due to July 4th fireworks. One in three pets will be lost during their lifetime, with only 10...
Your pet is 80% water, and compare that to a human who is at 60%. Like you, animals get heat exhaustion and heat stroke; unlike you, many cannot sweat to cool down. Healthy pets need 1 ounce of water for...
The second half of the year begins with a little safety check. Is your pet tagged and microchipped? A family pet is lost every two seconds in America, with July 5 being the day with the most entering shel...
INTERNATIONAL VELOCIRAPTOR AWARENESS MONTH: NURTURING A LOVE FOR PALEONTOLOGY The date of this event needs to be clarified. Multiple websites say it is September, but the original organizer's website say...
The Dog Days of Summer are the hottest weeks in the Northern Hemisphere. They received their name in antiquity based upon the movements of the star Sirius, the "dog star." Pagan societies sacrificed a bro...
National Fried Clam Day marks the anniversary of this bar appetizer arriving on the world culinary stage in 1916 via Lawrence Henry and Bessey Woodman's small store, Woodman's in Essex, Massachusetts. L...
First held in 2017, World Seabird Day seeks to raise awareness about the ocean’s ‘canaries in the coal mine,’ seabirds. The day was prompted by the extinction of the Great Auk, with its last recorded sig...
National Barbecued Spareribs Day occurs on America's Independence Day simply because many people barbecue on this day. You can go pork or beef for spareribs (the Halal and Kosher version). For complete au...
Independence from Meat Day is a vegetarian event directed at the BBQing public in the United States on Independence Day. Vegans and vegetarians encourage Americans to barbeque vegetables and forego meat....
Created by the United Nations, each year, World Environment Day features a different focus and theme impacting different areas, ranging from pollution to sustainability. Held annually on July 5.
National Pet Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom is a day set aside for pet parents to celebrate the lives of their deceased and missing pets while taking time to honor all they contributed to family an...
Build a Scarecrow Day celebrates the straw-stuffed pants, shirt, and hat assembled to protect crops from birds, mounted on a stick to look like a man. Scarecrows have attained an iconic stature in modern...
Farriers work hard year-round to provide quality hoof care for horses worldwide. American Farriers Journal created National Farriers Appreciation Week to honor their dedication and service. Horse owners...
The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, launches the Festival of San Fermin, which runs July 6-14 each year. It is a tradition nearly 1,000 years old, and the actual running of the bulls begins on Ju...
Shark Week is the longest-running must-see summer TV event on Discovery Channel. It includes live talk shows, documentaries, and all things sharks. Aquariums and other forms of amusement tied to oceans an...
Ebola, SARS, Corona, Avian Flu, West Nile virus, Salmonella, and MERS are Zoonotic diseases that transmit from animal to human, often with deadly effects. World Zoonosis Day seeks to increase awareness of...