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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
ABOUT NATIONAL MARINE WEEK National Marine Week, celebrated annually in the United Kingdom, highlights the nation's rich marine environment. This week-long event, organized by The Wildlife Trusts, began...
Cowboys are part of the American narrative and are essential to the nation's growth now and then. National Cowboy Day is an officially recognized event within the United States, supported by several state...
International Mangrove Day raises awareness about a precious natural resource. Let me explain with a personal story. If you ever travel to Cinnamon Island in Sri Lanka, your tour guide will take you in...
A celebration of culture and the past, Soma Nomaoi is an annual festival in Japan observed for over 1,000 years. The primary attraction is the Kachu Keiba. In essence, 1,000 warriors dressed in ancient co...
World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated on July 28th each year. The day is recognized worldwide to increase awareness about the best practices to protect and conserve the natural resources that our pl...
Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day is an unofficial holiday with no sponsor promoting ridding your house of pests. The idea is to purchase some cheese and sacrifice a piece in a mouse trap to cleanse your home...
Nag Panchami is the Hindu holiday dedicated to snakes (nag) and is a favorite in India. It is celebrated on the fifth day of the bright half of the lunar month of Shravan (Sawan) and falls sometime in J...
International Tiger Day falls on July 29. This event raises awareness of tiger conservation and how several factors affect the number of tigers in a given locality. With efforts from several countries, th...
National Mutt’s Day was created in 2005 by Celebrity Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige to encourage people to adopt mixed breed dogs and raise awareness on the plight...
Each spring during “kitten season,” thousands of newborn kittens join millions of cats already in shelters nationwide. That means your local shelter has a bounty of cute, cuddly newborns, in addition to a...
une is ASPCA's National Adopt-a-Shelter Cat Month. The ASPCA hosts several events, including cute cat video contests, summer programs for youth volunteers, and low-cost adoptions. Cats are ideal for sing...
The American Bald Eagle became part of the official symbol of the United States on June 20, 1782. The design was collaborative, with input from multiple individuals and committees. In 1776, the Continenta...
Created in 1999 by In Defense of Animals, Animal Rights Awareness Week focuses on the basic needs and humane treatment of all wild or domesticated animals. Whether used for research, transport, food, or t...
Created in 2011 by the non-profit Our Planet, National Animal Rights Day (NARD) is a worldwide effort focused on raising awareness of the rights of all living beings, whether legged, scaled, winged, or a...
The International Day of Action to Ban Live Transport is an event highlighting the condition and plight of live animals in freight. Animals suffer during these long hauls, and many die before reaching the...
The Belmont Stakes is the third race in what is known as the Triple Crown and is by far the most grueling at a distance of 1.5 miles. The first race began in 1867. Secretariat, winner of the Belmont an...
National Bug Busting Day occurs three times yearly in the United Kingdom: January, June, and October. It is a concentrated effort to stem the tide of lice infections within schools and the general populat...
Carpenter Ant Awareness Week began with Batzner Pest Control in 1992 to educate the public about this common pest at a time when they are most active. Carpenter ants excavate wood to build their nests,...
Created by President Ronald Reagan in 1987, National Catfish Day educates Americans about the nutrition and uses of farm-raised catfish. The tradition continues today. Farm-raised catfish have come a lon...
Founded in 2019 by professional photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam as an offshoot of The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, The Comedy Pet Photography Awards celebrates the humorous and ende...