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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
Created in 1915, Be Kind to Animals Week® is one of the longest-running consecutive annual awareness weeks. Organized by the American Humane Association. Every year, an estimated four million animals mus...
World Bee Day raises awareness about the importance of bees and other pollinators for our ecosystem and food supply and was first celebrated in 2018. Bees and other pollinators play a crucial role in our...
The United Nations hosts World Migratory Bird Day on the second Saturday in May (previously May 10) to focus on the impact of migratory birds on the health of people and the planet. CMS and the African-Eu...
Carabao is the Tagalog word for water buffalo in the Philippines. This two-day festival is a farmer's tribute to their patron saint, San Isidro. Throughout the country, farmers dress themselves and their...
International Respect for Chickens Day seeks to raise awareness about the dire conditions in which many chickens (and other poultry, including ducks, geese, and peacocks) are bred and the horrific ways in...
International Chihuahua Day was created in 2010 by proud pet parent Nadia Alteria to celebrate the birthday of Teaka, her beloved Chihuahua, on May 14 each year. There are several theories on the origin...
Created in 2018 by DIG, National Dog Mom's Day celebrates a woman's best friend and her bond with her dog. Many women without children (or with) consider their dogs (and cats) to be their four-legged chil...
Dog owners and their four-legged friends are encouraged to enjoy the springtime weather in safe, off-leash areas in their communities by celebrating National Dog Park Day. Dog owners simply need to visit...
International Donkey Day came about through the internationally known (27 countries) Donkey Sanctuary, founded in 1969 by Dr. Elizabeth Svendsen in the United Kingdom. The organization's mission is to pro...
Donkey Week in the UK falls during International Donkey Day, May 8. This event highlights the importance of donkeys. During this time, people can cuddle, touch and enjoy the company of donkeys. There are...
Donkey Welfare Day is observed in Kenya each year on May 17. It celebrates the contribution to Kenyan life and agriculture by the 1.8 million donkeys. These hardworking animals are essential to transporta...
Ely Eel Festival in the United Kingdom celebrates the fish and its place in English culture over the weekend of Eel Day. The town of Ely holds an eel festival each year that includes folk music, parades...
Endangered Species Day is an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about the importance of protecting endangered species and the everyday actions they can take to preserve them. Created in 2006 by...
National Ferret Day occurs on this day every year in the United Kingdom. It seeks to highlight issues such as welfare, care, nutrition, and ownership and educate the public to respect the animal we care s...
Sharks may be the most feared fish in the sea, but they're also very misunderstood. Fintastic Friday gives a voice to sharks and seeks to educate people on this necessary and beautiful creature. People ki...
Today is the anniversary of Mark Twain's "Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog" release in 1865 at age 29. Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog was Mark Twain's first book to draw a broad audience, marking the be...
Garden Wildlife Week falls on the last week and encourages people to have more animal-friendly gardens. During this week, people are encouraged to plant more nectar-rich plants, create a bee home or parti...
The National Wildlife Federation's Annual Garden for Wildlife Month offers home gardeners, wildlife enthusiasts, and conservationists a chance to join with millions of their peers nationwide and help supp...
National Alligator Day, celebrated annually on May 29th, is a relatively new observance established in 2021 by Wild Florida Airboats. The day raises awareness about alligators, emphasizing their importanc...
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society organizes Hedgehog Awareness Week to raise awareness about hedgehogs' plight and educate people on how they can help hedgehogs in their local areas. Individuals a...