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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
Cats have been prized pets for more than 7000 years. Each year on this day, you have an excuse to hug those delightful fur babies that make life fun. Hug Your Cat Day is a special day where cat owners are...
The Kentucky Derby falls on the first Saturday of May in Louisville, Kentucky. Known by many names such as "The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports," "The Run for the Roses," or "The Fastest Two Minutes...
Leopards (panthers) continue to be vulnerable worldwide, though the most endangered is the Amur leopard of eastern China and Russia. As of 2022, fewer than 100 Amurs remain wild. Leopards face multiple th...
Lyme Disease Awareness Month occurs each year in May. Another Lyme Disease Awareness Month focused on canine owners runs in April. Each spring, deer ticks surface across North America. The deer tick is t...
THE ORIGINAL G.O.A.T, GOAT: INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE MARKHOR The International Day of the Markhor, observed annually on May 24, is dedicated to raising awareness about the markhor, a majestic wild goat s...
Martin Z. Mollusk Day is an actual event based on a fictional character named Martin Z. Mollusk, a hermit crab who serves as the mascot for Ocean City, New Jersey. The character was created by Mark Soifer...
Mutts are dogs that are of mixed breed and not purebred. These adorable animals account for over 75% of all dogs in the United States found in shelters. In 2000, as a way to draw attention to the issue, a...
Meat Free May in the United Kingdom highlights the effects of consuming meat on the body and the planet. One cause of greenhouse gas emissions is livestock contributing to deforestation and climate chang...
If you've ever lost a pet, you know the stress and anguish you go through. Microchipping your pet is one way to help increase the chances that your pet is returned to you. Vets, rescue missions, and anima...
The sun transitions from Mesha Rashi to Vrishabha Rashi during Vrishabha Sankranti. Giving cows as a gift is considered auspicious on this day. Devotees visit Vishnu temples and pray that Lord Vishnu gran...
World Otter Day raises awareness about otters. Otters are semi-aquatic mammals of the Mustelidae family, including weasels, ferrets, and badgers. There are 13 different species of otters worldwide, and th...
World Parrot Day, first held in 2004, celebrates the beautiful tropical species of birds called parrots. Three hundred and fifty varieties of parrots exist, and one-third face potential extinction due to...
A successful example of cause marketing, National Pet Cancer Awareness Month is sponsored by Blue Buffalo, the pet food, Petco, Morris Animal Foundation, and the Riedel Cody Fund. The month seeks to find...
People are pet people or not; if you're a pet person, you can't imagine your life without your furry, feathered, or scaled friend. Whether it's an aquarium, terrarium, gilded cage, or four paws, pets add...
National Pet Week is the first full week of each May in the US. The focus of this week is planning. Pet parents are urged to bring their pets in for routine check-ups and develop daily routines that foc...
Plant Health Week in the United Kingdom focuses on identifying foliage in distress. Grey squirrels bark strip trees during spring and summer, damaging, stressing, and killing trees. Their actions impact b...
International Podenco Day brings awareness to the suffering and plight of this much maligned Spanish hunting breed. They are referred to as the “great forgotten”. A fundraising and awareness event, marche...
The Preakness Stakes is a horse racing competition held annually at Pimlico racetrack in Baltimore, Maryland, since 1919. It's one of the oldest and most famous horse races in the United States and form...
The Oregon version of the Pug Crawl in Portland may have disappeared from the Oregon Humane Society's event calendar, but the Brits have taken up the challenge. They will be holding their first pug crawl...
There is a difference between a commercial breeder, which follows humane laws and treats animals respectfully in a clean and healthy environment, and puppy mills. Puppy mills are unregulated and warehouse...