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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
National Animal Safety and Protection Month promotes first aid and health care awareness for pets and animals. It is a joint promotion between Vita Bone and the American Red Cross.
Bat Appreciation Month celebrates and creates awareness about the incredible creatures that rule the night skies. Bats are mammals of the order Chiroptera and include over 1,400 species, representing abou...
Like black cats, black dogs are often not adopted due to their color and nothing else. There is no reason not to get a black dog, which is strictly aesthetics. Besides, if you live in a snowy or sandy loc...
Dalmatians have long been associated with fire fighting, though shepherds, Labradors, and pit bulls/terriers are more likely to be found with fire search and rescue. Before internal combustion engines, do...
HOG-OUT MONTH IN TEXAS: BATTLING THE INVASIVE FERAL HOG EPIDEMIC Every October, Texas dedicates itself to a statewide effort known as Hog-out Month. The campaign is spearheaded by the Texas Department of...
National Pescatarian Month seeks to build awareness about the health benefits of eating seafood and fish. Pescatarianism is a dietary choice wherein a person eats fish and other seafood but does not consu...
Initiated in 2004, National Pet Wellness Month seeks to educate pet parents on the benefits of twice-a-year health exams, the aging process for various breeds/species, and best practices in pet health. An...
Initiated in 2011, National Pit Bull Awareness Month seeks to educate the population about the fantastic qualities of the oft-maligned category of dogs referred to as Pit Bulls. The dog originated in Engl...
NATURE'S BANDITS: INTERNATIONAL RACCOON DAY International Raccoon Day is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about raccoons, their behavior, and their ecological role in various environments....
October is Squirrel Awareness Month. Enjoy the squirrels in your backyard, town, or city. Take the time to watch their antics and get to know them. They are adorable, fun, and very lovable creatures.
Anyone with a dog knows the importance of getting out and walking your dog a couple of times a day (at least). National Walk Your Dog Week was created for Paws and Paper by the holiday creation company T...
Each state has severe weather preparedness weeks in the United States that coincide with its most critical weather issues, be it snow, rain, fire, tornados, hurricanes, ice, or flood. See the resource lin...
World Day for Farmed Animals (WDFA) is a vegan event founded in 1983 and dedicated to exposing the needless suffering and death of sentient animals raised and killed for food. Approximately 65 billion a...
A LOOK AT ANIMAL WELFARE WEEK AND WORLD ANIMAL DAY Every October, animal lovers worldwide celebrate and advocate for better treatment of all creatures during Animal Welfare Week, which coincides with Wor...
The mission of World Animal Day is to 'raise the status of animals to improve welfare standards around the globe.' To achieve this, animal welfare organizations, community groups, youth and children's cl...
Blessing the fishing fleet before the new season to ensure a good catch and safety for the fishermen is a tradition dating back centuries to Porticello, Italy. The Madonna del Lume (Mother of the Light) i...
The first event celebrating Bed and Breakfast Inns is the first weekend of October, Inn Mascot Day, and it celebrates the animals and muses that keep innkeepers and guests entertained and amused. Annually...
THE UNITED KINGDOM'S NATIONAL PET SHOW The National Pet Show, or PATS in the United Kingdom, occurs in the early autumn in Telford and in late March in Sandon. The trade show is a popular event in the U...
Badgers often get a bad wrap, especially during cull season, and today they receive a reprieve as the United Kingdom celebrates this iconic species. Share your badger pictures and videos with the hashtags...
The UN General Assembly designates World Habitat Day on the first Monday of October. World Habitat Day is to remind and help us recognize the importance of people's right to a nurturing habitat, the sign...