Today is:   March 12

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Category: Animals, Insects, Birds, Fish & Reptiles

Events celebrating or highlighting animals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles, and other forms of non-plant life.

If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.

Marine Week, Ntl. (ZA): October 6-12


National Marine Week in South Africa focuses on the oceans and coastal environment. Its purpose is to promote sustainability and conservation while educating the public about the importance of oceans, tid...


Red Squirrel Week (UK): October 6-12 (est)


Red Squirrel Week highlights the protection of the red squirrels native to the United Kingdom. Observe how these animals forage for food for the incoming winter season. The only squirrel native to the Uni...


Cephalopod Awareness Days, Intl.: October...


International Cephalopod Awareness Days celebrate marine life. Cephalopods are a species of marine animals and include squid, octopuses, cuttlefish, and nautiluses. There are over 800 species in the world...


Fat Bear Week: October 8-14 (est)


As Autumn progresses, the bears of the world prepare to hibernate through the winter. They spend their summer fattening up and eating to store the food they'll need for the long winter's nap. And boy, do...


Octopus Day, World: October 8


World Octopus Day celebrates the versatile and intelligent creature known as the octopus. A Cephalopod family member, the octopus, is thus named because they have eight arms. But they also have three hear...


Salmon Day, Ntl: October 8


National Salmon Day celebrates the health, taste, convenience, and various recipe benefits of the world's most famous pink fish. Chicken of the Sea, a leading provider of healthy, sustainable seafood an...


Tavistock Goose Fair, (UK): October 8


The Tavistock Goose Fair is an annual festival held in the market town of Tavistock, located in Devon, England, dating back to the early 12th century. Tavistock is one of England's oldest towns (976 AD) a...


Nautilus Night, World: October 9


World Nautilus Night shines a light on the night world of this cephalopod. Nautilus, like snails, live in shells and roam the world's tidal basins and coral reefs. Cephalopods are a species of marine an...


Squittleday, World: October 10


World Squittleday, a combination of squid and cuttlefish, celebrates the squid and cuttlefish, one of four species of cephalopods. Squid and cuttlefish look similar; squid are speedy predators, and cuttle...


Bird Day, Intl. (Caribbean): October 11


International Migratory Bird Day occurs on the second Saturday in May in the U.S. and Canada and on the 2nd Saturday in October in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean each year. But we...


Kraken Day, World: October 11


Who said scientists don't have a sense of humor? World Kraken Day is about celebrating cephalopods in literature and mythology. Two examples are the giant squid from "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" by Jule...


Migratory Bird Day, World: October 11


World Migratory Bird Day occurs on the second Saturday in May in the US and Canada and the second Saturday in October in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean each year. Why Celebrate Mig...


Penguin (African) Awareness Day: October 1...


African Penguin Awareness Day raises awareness about the beautiful and endangered African penguins and informs the public on what we can do to help. Overfishing and pollution have endangered these birds....


Urban Wildlife Week, Intl.: October 11-19...


International Urban Wildlife Week occurs during Urban October and began in Los Angeles in 2015. Its original focus was on P-22, the beloved wild cougar that roamed the hills and cities of the greater Los...


Youth Climate Adaption Action Day, World:...


YOUTH CLIMATE ADAPTATION ACTION DAY: FORGING A RESILIENT FUTURE On the second Saturday of October, the inaugural Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day marks the first simultaneous mobilization of young pe...


Farmer's Day, Ntl.: October 12*


National Farmer's Day, also called Old Farmer's Day, celebrates the nuts and bolts of farming and the people who make it happen. The day has been observed since the 19th century and occurs during the heig...


Veterinary Technician Week, Ntl.: October...


First held in 1993, National Veterinary Technician Week (NVTW) allows veterinary nurses/technicians can focus favorable attention on their profession through a variety of activities. Veterinary Technici...


Wildlife Refuge Week, Ntl.: October 12-18


National Wildlife Refuge Week, supported by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, is celebrated annually during the second week of October, Throughout the country, local events are planned. Contact your sta...


Pet Obesity Week, World: October 13-19 (es...


Previously National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, in 2024 this event was expanded to a full week global event focused on raising awareness about the dangers of pet obesity. Like people in first-world count...


Fossil Day, Ntl.: October 15


The film series Jurassic Park popularized paleontology, which is the science devoted to fossils. Fossils are the remains (bones) or impressions (molded into rock) of prehistoric animals, plants, and organ...


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