Today is:   March 12

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For the current year, this category includes: 5656 events.

Category: Animals, Insects, Birds, Fish & Reptiles

Events celebrating or highlighting animals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles, and other forms of non-plant life.

If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.

Conservation Week (NZ): September 1-7 (est...


Conservation Week is run by DOC each year to encourage people to get involved in nature and help to take care of it. Created in 1969.


Dolphins of Taiji, Intl. Day of Awareness:...


International Day of Awareness for the Dolphins of Taiji began in 2004 with the Save Japan Dolphins campaign. Since 2004, the number of people eating dolphin meat has dropped dramatically. In 2004, 1,60...


Ginger Cat Appreciation Day: September 1


Ginger Cat Appreciation Day celebrates orange cats, whether tabby, tuxedo, or multi-colored. Most orange tabby cats are male (just like most calico cats are female). Famous ginger cats include Garfield an...


Guide Dog Month, Ntl.: September  


NATIONAL GUIDE DOG MONTH: CELEBRATING THE VITAL ROLD OF GUIDE DOGS National Guide Dog Month, observed every September, is dedicated to raising awareness and support for guide dog programs across the Unit...


Guide Dog Month, Ntl.: September  


NATIONAL GUIDE DOG MONTH: CELEBRATING THE VITAL ROLD OF GUIDE DOGS National Guide Dog Month, observed every September, is dedicated to raising awareness and support for guide dog programs across the Unit...


Happy Healthy Cat Month: September


We have a lot of holidays, and we celebrate a lot of things. So it's no surprise that we've dedicated an entire month to one of the world's favorite pets, cats! Every September during Happy, Healthy Cat M...


Head Lice Prevention Month: September


Just before the new school year, National Head Lice Prevention Month seeks to help parents protect their children from head lice. These parasites are commonly spread by sharing combs, hats, and clothing....


Love Lamb Week (UK): September 1-7


Initiated in 2015, Love Lamb Week in the United Kingdom is an opportunity to discover the versatility of lamb as a main dish and highlight the work of sheep farmers in the country. See the website for sp...


Organic September (UK): September


Organic September is a month-long campaign designed to raise the organic profile in the United Kingdom and shine a light on the amazing organic farmers, producers, and brands working hard to produce food...


Pet Insurance Month, Ntl. (US/CA): Septemb...


Fewer than 2% of pet parents in Canada and 10% in the United States have medical insurance for their pets. Yet, if you've ever had an animal get sick, you know it can quickly get costly. National Pet Insu...


Pet Sitter Education Month: September  


PET SITTER EDUCATION MONTH: ENHANCING CARE FOR OUR NON-HUMAN FAMILY Every September, the United States celebrates Pet Sitter Education Month, an initiative designed to elevate the standards and knowledge...


Pet Sitter Education Month: September  


PET SITTER EDUCATION MONTH: ENHANCING CARE FOR OUR NON-HUMAN FAMILY Every September, the United States celebrates Pet Sitter Education Month, an initiative designed to elevate the standards and knowledge...


Service Dog Month, Ntl.: September


September is the National Service Dog Month in the United States. Whether it's guide dogs, seeing eye dogs, military dogs, service pets, or assistance animals, September celebrates their contributions a...


Straw Free September: September


Straw Free September, #StrawFreeSeptember, is created by New Zealand's Our Seas Our Future. It encourages businesses and individuals to abstain from using single-use straws for a month. Single-use plasti...


Therapy Dog Awareness Month (AU): Septembe...


Therapy Dog Awareness Month originated in 2018 and is championed by the Delta Society in Australia. Over 20,000 Australians enjoy a visit from a therapy dog each week, including hospitalized children, n...


Tiger Month, Intl. Save a: September  


INTERNATIONAL SAVE A TIGER MONTH: A GLOBAL AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts worldwide come together to observe International Save a Tiger Month, a concerted effort to raise aw...


Tiger Month, Intl. Save a: September  


INTERNATIONAL SAVE A TIGER MONTH: A GLOBAL AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts worldwide come together to observe International Save a Tiger Month, a concerted effort to raise aw...


Velociraptor Awareness Month, Intl.: July


INTERNATIONAL VELOCIRAPTOR AWARENESS MONTH: NURTURING A LOVE FOR PALEONTOLOGY The date of this event needs to be clarified. Multiple websites say it is September, but the original organizer's website say...


Wilderness Month, Ntl.: September


"In our Nation's earliest days, a vast majority of North America was wilderness—from majestic plains and imposing mountain ranges to dense forests and rushing waterways. Today, protected wild spaces conti...


Animals' Day (CW): September 4


Animals Day in Curaçao focuses on caring for and preserving animals, domestic and wild. The day is capped off with an animal show.


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