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If it is a living entity with mobility and not human, it falls into the category of animals, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles.
The International Camel and Ostrich Races, a quirky and lively event, are a staple of Virginia City, Nevada's event calendar. They offer a unique blend of historical tradition, humor, and excitement. The...
On September 5, 1850, the province of Amazonas emerged. Known today as the State of Amazon in Brazil, the forest it hosts (with Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and French Gu...
National Iguana Awareness Day (NIAD) was conceived by a group of enthusiasts who disbanded in 2001, but their mission is still active. Their motto and the slogan of NIAD is "Hard to care for... easy to l...
The vaquita is the most endangered marine mammal in the world. This exquisite porpoise lives in the Gulf of California and averages 4-5 ft in length. Currently, just 10 Vaquitas exist in the wild, and the...
The first Saturday of September is Vulture Awareness Day. This event highlights the importance of vultures for the environment and raises awareness of the declining population of vultures. Organized by th...
Created in 2016, National Dog Walker Appreciation Day honors the people who make a living walking other people's dogs. The day is celebrated by dog owners and their walkers wearing green. Annually on Sep...
Created in 2014 by David Rogers, Pet Birth Defects Awareness Day focuses on what people can do to minimize animal birth defects through responsible pet ownership. In-breeding and over-breeding are two com...
Factory farms are commercial agricultural operations that raise massive numbers of animals to produce meat and other animal products for sale. Animals are housed indoors with minimal food, water, or space...
Ami Moore, The Chicago Dog Coach, created National Hug Your Hound Day. The holiday seeks to increase the bond between dogs and their owners and to help dog owners see the world as dogs see it. "National...
National Pet Memorial Day was created more than 40 years ago by the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories. This awareness campaign focuses on the value of pets in a pet owner’s life....
International Polar Week is an awareness and education campaign sponsored by The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS). The polar regions support a rich array of life in the Arctic and Ant...
AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day emphasizes and celebrates the special bond between dogs and their owners. More than 5,000 affiliated dog clubs participate nationally. Dog lovers can engage in local spor...
International Coastal Cleanup Day occurs on a Saturday and is a multi-national effort to clean up the beaches worldwide. Hundreds of thousands of people volunteer to spend the day picking up garbage and...
National Estuaries Week raises awareness of the importance of estuaries (wetlands where freshwater rivers meet the ocean) and allows people to be more responsible for these natural resources. Establishe...
The ASPCA defines a puppy mill "as a large-scale commercial dog breeding operation that places profit over the wellbeing of its dogs—who are often severely neglected—and acts without regard to responsible...
The world population of red pandas has fallen to less than 2500 in the wild, and these unique bears continue to be an endangered species. Native to Nepal, International Red Panda Day seeks to increase app...
Many factors can make a pet seem “less adoptable.” Superstition, fear, age, poor reputation, wounds, handicap, illness, and size are each factors that contribute. However, just because a pet is unique doe...
Deaf Dog Awareness Week occurs during National Dog Week and Deaf Awareness Week. Its purpose is to educate the public about these amazing animals and the services available to owners and facilitate adopti...
National Dog Week began in 1928. Created by Captain William Judy, a Great War Veteran, Silver Star recipient, and canine fan, Judy started the week to celebrate dogs, raise funds for their care, and encou...
Sea Otter Awareness Week falls in September and seeks to raise awareness of the plight of sea otters concerning oil spills and ecological destruction. During this week, you can learn how to protect sea...