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For the current year, this category includes: 14106 events.
This category covers historical events that fall on or near a specific day (or sometimes a month). It may be a birthday, a death day, a patent filing, or an event in the news. .
National Day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia marks the anniversary of September 23, 1932, when all the tribes united under one ruler, Ibn Saud. It represented the third time the tribes attempted to establi...
On September 23, 1846, German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle of the Berlin Observatory discovered the 8th planet in our solar system, Neptune. He found it using mathematic equations from a predictive m...
Armed Forces Day in Mozambique marks the anniversary of September 24, 1964, when the nation began its war of independence. Armed Forces Day is a national holiday.
Constitution Day in Cambodia marks the anniversary of September 24, 1993, when the nation adopted its new Constitution. Constitution Day is a national holiday.
Independence Day in Guinea-Bissau marks the anniversary of September 24, 1973, when the nation gained independence from Portuguese rule. Independence Day is a national holiday.
Today marks the anniversary of Palestine's 2011 petition for statehood. The nation-state of Israel has occupied parts of Palestine since 1948 and the whole of Palestine since 1967. The diplomatic campai...
The Schwenkfelders are a Christian offshoot of Lutheranism, which originated with Casper Schwenckfeld (1489-1561) of Silesia (Southern Germany). His followers would eventually settle in the Perkiomen Vall...
On September 25, 1837, Swiss schoolmaster Rodolphe Töpffer created the character Obadiah Oldbuck and chose to tell a story to his friends in a unique format. His primary motivation was his poor eyesight,...
Maria Droujkova is the educator who creates mathematics curricula and games and founded Math Storytelling Day in 2009. The date chosen marks her birthday. The purpose of this day is to help children lea...
Republic Day in Rwanda marks the anniversary of September 25, 1961, the day nation abolished the monarchy and became a republic. Republic Day is a national holiday.
Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated annually on the birthday of Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman), September 26, 1774. He died on March 18, 1845 Johnny Appleseed was a conservationist and a philanthropist w...
The US and Iran's first diplomatic meeting in 35 years (Persia) happened on September 26, 2013. The two nations dissolved diplomatic ties after the Shah's overthrow and the US Embassy's seizure in Iran...
JUST GOOGLE IT! CELEBRATING THE ANNIVERSARY OF GOOGLE Google Day is an informal celebration observed on September 27th each year, marking the anniversary of the creation of the world's most popular searc...
On September 28, 1542, Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo first set eyes on what would become the State of California in the United States. He would die in California just three and a half months...
Confucius Day marks the birth of Confucius on September 28, 551 BC. Confucius was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher who lived during the Spring and Autumn eras in Chinese history un...
World Rabies Day raises awareness of rabies and its prevention. The event occurs on the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822 - September 28, 1895), the developer of the first rab...
Commemorating the end of the Battle of Boquerón, September 29, 1932, Boquerón Day is a national holiday in Paraguay.
Poisoned Blackberries Day is an anniversary marking the conquest of good over evil. According to medieval lore, blackberries symbolize lawyers and justice. But why poisoned, and does it have anything to d...
On September 29, 1899, veterans united and formed the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Columbus, Ohio. Today celebrates that event. The Veterans of Foreign Wars work to care for US military personnel who hav...
Today marks the anniversary of the birth of the first Prima Ballerina Assoluta, Perinea Legnani, on September 30, 1863. Legnani first gained worldwide recognition in 1893 when, as Cinderella, she perfor...