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For the current year, this category includes: 2184 events.
Events in this category are exclusive to the listed nations, territories, and regions. See Worldwide Events for additional events in this region.
Daylight Savings in New Zealand commences on the Last Sunday of September (Spring Forward) and ends on the 1st Sunday of April (Fall Back). Daylight Savings in New Zealand commences on the Last Sunday of...
Daylight Savings in Samoa commences on the Last Sunday of September (Spring Forward) and ends on the 1st Sunday of April (Fall Back). Move the clock one hour ahead at 2 AM in September or one hour back i...
The King’s birthday, a national holiday in Australia. Australia is one of several constitutional monarchies that considers the English King its head of state. Most states celebrate this day in June, Weste...
It looks like you made it! Flu season south of the equator is over for this year. Influenza activity peaks at the end of August in most regions in Australia, with Tasmania and the Northern Territory exp...