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For the current year, this category includes: 1892 events.
Canadian events take place in or have cultural ties to the nation of Canada
Created in 1986, Shorts Day is a day to flaunt the first day of winter on the solstice by wearing shorts to honor the shortest day of the year. Just be sure to wear a coat, if you go outside! Have fun.
Boxing Day in the Commonwealth countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada and South Africa is a day of thanks and sharing. Beginning during the Victorian era, the day after Chris...
Each year Alzheimer’s Canada hosts National Alzheimer’s month. 747,000 Canadians are living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias today, a number expected to increase to 1.4 million in the next...
Focused on mental illness, Bell Let's Talk was created in 2010 to raise awareness about the millions of Canadians struggling with mental illness and remove the stigma of discussing it. This is also a nati...
Craft Year is a special project led by the CCF/FCMA in partnership with all of the Provincial and Territorial Crafts Councils and our Affiliate Members across the nation. A year-long festival of contempor...
Canadian Crime Stoppers Month honors Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers is a civilian, non-profit, charitable organization that forges alliances between community activists, the police department and media in...
Dishonor List Day (Banishment List Day) began as a publicity stunt. New Years Day was chosen because it is known as a ‘slow news day’ and the chances of the stunt gaining traction was greatly increased....
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day occurs in the US and Canada each year. It is an education and awareness outreach program designed to help citizens reduce their energy usage and save money by replacing...
Family Literacy Day in Canada focuses on parents and their role in improving reading and writing skills within their family. By reading to children and engaging in fun literary activities, parents keep th...
Because this event first ran in 2019, we have no historical data to consult and the organizer has not set the 2020 date, this date is estimated. Members of American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA), t...
Established in 2010, Manuary™ is dedicated to raising funds to supporting cutting edge research and improving clinical care for patients suffering with head and neck cancer. Men are four times more likely...
In Canada, January is also known as the March of Dimes Month. The March of Dimes is a 65+ year old tradition of fundraising for Canadians with physical disabilities. During January, many Canadians put...
National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) is one of the longest running initiatives in Canada’s ongoing public health education efforts. The week is designed to help those who want to quit smoking, quit. It is org...
HPV Awareness Week in 2019 and have set aside one day to focus on Oropharyngeal Cancer, or cancer of the oropharynx. Typical causes include smoking or contracting the human papilloma virus. Its most notab...
A celebration of all things Canadian, culture and winter sports, Winterlude is attended by over 635,000 people a year. Held in two cities, Ottawa in Ontario and Gatineau in Quebec. This festival was fir...
Family Day is celebrated in British Columbia a week earlier than the rest of the country to permit Louis Riel Day, which falls on Family Day, its own observance. Family Day is a national holiday in Can...
Agriculture Day in Canada celebrates the businesses and products that are grown in the nation. These include food, floral and fauna. Its goal is to create a closer connection between consumers and the peo...
The Audubon Society, Cornell University Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada sponsor the Great Backyard Bird Count each year in the United States and Canada. Think of it as a bird census, helping to...
Family Day (also known as Louis Riel Day) is an national holiday in Canada and is set aside for family activities. It is celebrated in all provinces except British Columbia, which celebrates it a week e...