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For the current year, this category includes: 8543 events.
Career and Workplace Events category centers on what people do to earn a living, including work, occupation, career and professional advancement, professional development, and career education
World Typing Day, observed on January 8th since 2011, is an annual event dedicated to encouraging people to express themselves via typing and to promote speed, efficiency, and accuracy in written communic...
Vision Boards are a pictorial representation of goals. Vision Board Day encourages everyone to define their plans for the upcoming year and create a visual reminder of these goals. Vision boards are made...
<h2>YOUR YEAR TO GET AHEAD</h2><h1>2025, THE YEAR OF GENERATING INCOME</h1><span><br>Goldman Sachs, one of the world's leading investment firms, declared 2025 the Year of Generating Income, signaling a pi...