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For the current year, this category includes: 5971 events.
Events found under the children category celebrate, support, or affect persons under the age of eighteen.
International Stuttering Day is a part of the International Stuttering Awareness Week, both observed since 1998. The purpose of each is to raise awareness about the millions of people who struggle with st...
Since 1988, Rotary International has sponsored World Polio Day with a focus on eradicating the disease from the earth for good. World Polio Day is part of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative which i...
Hundreds of children, parents, business and community leaders come together each year for local events raising awareness of Lights On Afterschool. The event focuses on the achievements students in their a...
This date is estimated. Read for the Record Day is organized by Jumpstart as a national campaign addressing educational inequities that leave many children unprepared for kindergarten. Read for the Recor...
National Bandanna Day in Australia raises funds for childhood cancer survivors and celebrates the bandanna as a symbol for cancer victims. Promoted each year by CanTeen, an organization that fights agai...
Halloween is one of the most famous and celebrated holidays in the United States. Each year, on the eve of All Saint's Day, October 31, American kids and grown-ups dress up as mythical monsters or histor...
From the event champion: "The European Year of Youth will go hand in hand with NextGenerationEU, which reopens perspectives for young people, including quality jobs and education and training opportunit...
What is the most popular birthday in the United Kingdom? September 26. What does that mean? More Brits make babies 38-weeks earlier on January 2 (between 10PM and 11:00PM GMT, with 10:36PM being the m...
For all the children who reach the age of 20 during the previous year, Seiji-no-hi or Coming-of-Age Day is their own national holiday. In Japan one officially reaches adulthood at the age of twenty. The...
First celebrated and declared by the government of India in 1984, National Youth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of Swami Vivekananda on January 12, 1863. Vivekananda was a prolific lecturer and t...
Putrada Ekadeshi marks the waxing moon fortnight of the Hindu month of Pausha. On this day, devotees fast by avoiding grains, beans, cereals, and certain vegetables and spices whilst spending the day in w...
Take-A-Kid Ice Fishing Weekend is sponsored by the state of Minnesota and provides free ice fishing for a whole weekend to residents. It generally occurs during the Martin Luther King Weekend in January.
Winnie-the-Pooh Day marks the anniversary of Alan Alexander Milne's birth on January 18, 1882. He first wrote of Christopher Robin (his son and one of the characters in Winnie-the-Pooh) in the poem 'Vespe...
Babinden is a Bulgarian traditional observance celebrated in Russia and known as the Day of the Midwives. On this day, women and children under three rise at dawn and head to the local well where they dra...