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For the current year, this category includes: 5971 events.
Events found under the children category celebrate, support, or affect persons under the age of eighteen.
How to Make a Friend Day is an unofficial holiday that came about through word-of-mouth. What is interesting is in researching this we attempted to find a national or global non-profit dedicated to helpin...
Celebrating the contributions of women and girls to the sciences, the UN's International Day for Women and Girls in Science highlights gender bias in the sciences (less than 30% of professionals worldwide...
On February 11 each year the nation of Cameroon in West Africa celebrates its youth with parades, activities and festivities. This is a national holiday in the country.
Introduced to the world on February 12, 1985, the National Child Safety Council marks the birthday of their beloved mascot Safetypup® on children's safety each year on this date. The mascot has been instr...
World Radio Day celebrates the audio medium. Its purpose is to improve international cooperation between broadcasters, encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information,...
International Book Giving Day seeks to get books into the hands of children, worldwide, on Valentine's Day each year. This event was first held in 2012 and is now active in more than 44 countries. Activit...
Have a Heart Day is a child and youth-led reconciliation event that brings together caring Canadians to help ensure First Nations children have the services they need to grow up safely at home, get a good...
HeartKids Australia hosts Sweetheart Day to raise awareness of childhood heart disease and encourage donations to continue providing support, advocacy, growing awareness and further research into children...
International Childhood Cancer Day is set aside to bring attention to childhood cancers, support their families and focus on finding a cure. Within the United States there are approximately 12-million c...
On February 15, 1903 the first two Teddy Bears ever produced went on sale at 404 Tompkins Avenue in Brooklyn, New York. The bears were the invention of Morris Michtom’s wife Rose. Michtom petitioned Presi...
February 17, 1897 The Parent Teachers Association was founded under the name National Congress of Mothers chaired by Alice McLellan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst. National PTA is a strong advocate f...
International Asperger's Day aims to highlight the significance of Asperger syndrome for both society and individuals, also illustrates one of the many challenges to the newcomer trying to understand the...
During World Thinking Day, girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. World Thinking Day is part of the World As...
Read a Fairy Tale Day seeks to remind us of the delightfully happy endings found in fairy tales. You know, those stories where everything works out? The goblins and witches are banished, the boy always ge...
The first known accounts of the idea of a Tooth Fairy originated in Arabia in the 1300s. To this day in Islamic countries, parents continue to toss lost teeth in the air, a practice dating well before the...
World Orphan Week first ran in 2005 and is created by SOS Children's Villages United Kingdom and focuses on raising awareness about abandoned and orphaned children around the world. It is a fundraising a...
November is Child Safety Protection Month. It provides an opportunity for parents to review home safety precautions as they relate to their children. Parents are encouraged to create contingency plans o...
National DECA Month was created in 1946. DECA, the International Association of Marketing Students, is a non-profit student organization with over 215,000 members in the U.S., Columbia, Canada, China, Ger...
National Family Caregivers Month honors caregivers who give support and comfort to sick family members. Proclaimed by President Barack Obama and recognized by the American Heart Association and American...