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For the current year, this category includes: 2184 events.
The Christian category includes events that focus on the Christian faith and culture or draw from it. Some events have their roots in Christianity but are not religious.
You will know an event is a Christian observance by the (C) in the event title. Religious events are classified as worldwide events and are rarely limited to a specific nation.
Example: Christmas (C): December 25
Translation: Christmas is a Christian observance on December 25th this year.
The Christian category includes all faith denominations that fulfill the faith's critical core requirements: Belief in the Trinity, Resurrection, and the Messiah. These include Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox, including Coptic, Greek, and Russian.
Events and holidays that are specific to tangential Christian faiths, including Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarian, and others that add to the core beliefs and/or do not observe all are found in the 'Other Religions’ category.
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Events for the United States, worldwide and regions do not include ISO designations in the event name. Events that are specific to other countries will have the two letter ISO designation in the title. Exception: United Kingdom is (UK) rather than (GB).
Example: Donkey welfare Day (KE): May 17
Translation: "Donkey Welfare Day is observed in Kenya on May 17 this year".
Search "Worldwide" for events that are international and not associated with a specific country.
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Jubilee LLC reserves the right to accept or reject inclusion of events in this calendar. The appearance of an event in LEEP Calendar does not imply endorsement of the event, nor the organization championing the event by Jubilee LLC, its stakeholders, customers or subsidiaries. All dates, contact information, URLs, addresses, and information relating to any event, promotion or holiday are subject to change without notice and should be treated as estimated. Jubilee LLC, our stakeholders, customers and subsidiaries cannot warrant accuracy. Users of this application are solely responsible for verifying actual event date with organizers and additional sources prior to committing resources, financial, human or otherwise.