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For the current year, this category includes: 4848 events.
The education category highlights events dealing with learning, teaching, schools, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Junior Achievement Month is recognized in Canada each year. Junior Achievement is an international organization dedicated to teaching children, through hands-on experience, practical skills, knowledge a...
Library Lover's Month encourages the use of public libraries and the many different programs available through them that support the local community. Libraries are more than books. They are community cent...
National Parent Leadership Month is purposed to: 1) Raise public awareness the roles parents play in shaping the lives of their children and families 2) Publicize and expand opportunities for Parent Lea...
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month provides inspiration to children and adults to become the best that we can be. This is an event especially well suited for K-12, but can also be a great team building...
Typewriter Appreciation Month, a time to celebrate the typewriter, without which most of our modern means of communicating would be unknown. Even on a smart phone, there is a keyboard patterned after the...
National Green Week is a school based annual event in which schools dedicate a week to green learning and sustainability focused programs between February and April. To enroll your class, teachers need...
National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. School counselors deal with many is...
CAMEX is the only annual trade show in the world that specifically supports organizations that sell to colleges and college students. The trade show occurs annually. PLEASE NOTE: All televised and venu...
Future Farmers of America Week is an opportunity for FFA members, alumni and sponsors to advocate for agricultural education and careers in Agriculture. Currently over 600,000 children in Junior High an...
Engineers Week was first created in 1951 and seeks to introduce youth to the exciting and well-paying careers in the fields of engineering including civil, mechanical, electrical, agricultural, chemical,...
For over 50 years, educators, families, parents and community leaders meet for a week to discuss issues, programming and tactics designed to create successful opportunities for individuals affected by lea...
Created in 2006 to mark the anniversary of the PTA Charter of February 17, 1897, Take your Family to School Week encourages parents to visit their children's school and take an active part in their educat...
Freedom to Read Week is organized by Canada’s Book and Periodical Council’s Freedom of Expression Committee, a group committed to promoting intellectual freedom in Canada. Since 1978, the Freedom of Exp...
National Student Money Week, (NSMW) serves to inform the public about the financial support and advice offered in universities, colleges and students’ unions across the UK. The week provides a chance to...
The idea for vacuum cleaners first came about in 1599, but the first modern mechanized vacuum cleaner wasn't patented until October 3, 1899. A hand driven machine (you'll see it in the television show U...
Periodic Table Day marks the anniversary of the publishing of the first periodic table of elements by English chemist John Newlands, February 7, 1863. His is distinctive because he was the first to catego...
Plum Pudding Day honors the anniversary of the creation of the model of the atom in 1897 by physicist JJ Thomson. This model was referred to as the Plum Pudding Model. Thomson received the Nobel Prize 19...
Introduced to the world on February 12, 1985, the National Child Safety Council marks the birthday of their beloved mascot Safetypup® on children's safety each year on this date. The mascot has been instr...
International Book Giving Day seeks to get books into the hands of children, worldwide, on Valentine's Day each year. This event was first held in 2012 and is now active in more than 44 countries. Activit...
Heart Research Day and Heart Research Month in Australia seek to raise awareness of the devastating impact of heart disease on families and individuals, and the need for ongoing research. Heart Research...