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For the current year, this category includes: 5838 events.
The Family and Friends category includes events that focus on the beautiful mess you were born into (aka family), parenting, and the circle of people you choose to populate your life (aka friends, acquaintances, and co-workers)
Discover Engineering Family Day is one of several events during Engineering Week. Family Day helps students between the ages of four and 12 learn about engineering and the importance of technological lite...
International Friends Day was created by Facebook in 2016 and falls each year on the anniversary of its founding, February 4, 2004. Utilizing the medium it pioneered - social media - the company produce...
Family Career and Community Leaders (FCCLA) Week seeks to promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education. Each year FCCLA Week features a different the...
Random Acts of Kindness Day occurs during Random Acts of Kindness Week. Dr. Chuck Wall, a professor at Bakersfield College, recalled hearing about "random, senseless acts of violence" on the news in 1993...
Dr. Chuck Wall, a professor at Bakersfield College, recalled hearing about "random, senseless acts of violence" on the news in 1993 and was inspired to assign his students the task of committing "one rand...
Howdy! We're working on the description for this event. It's one of over two thousand events added to the calendar this year. We have verified it is an authentic event and have included the organization...
Created in 2023, I Love My GSA Day is an initiative by GLSEN. GSA stands for Gender and Sexuality Alliance, a student-led organization supporting LGBTQ+ students and promoting what has become known as inc...
Howdy! We're working on the description for this event. It's one of over two thousand events added to the calendar this year. We have verified it is an authentic event and have included the organization...
Meena Sankranti marks the sun's transition from Pisces to Aries. It is a Hindu religious holiday where people donate various items to the poor. PLEASE NOTE: We use the Indian civil calendar, the officia...
National Shut-in Visitation Day is held on February 11 each year. National Shut-in Visitation Day shares hope and friendship with the millions of men, women, and children who, due to physical, mental, or...
Bake at Home for Family Fun Month promotes home baking. It provides tools and knowledge to perpetuate generations of home bakers. The purpose of this month is to reach influencers in the industry, includ...
International Epilepsy Day features art contests, fundraisers, a social media campaign, and dozens of other activities to raise awareness and support for people with epilepsy. From the Sponsor: "Started...
The Islamic holy month of Ramadan begins today at sundown for most Muslims and for Shi'ite Muslims on the next day. For those doing business with the Islamic world, many businesses will close or have sho...
Yom HaMishpacha (Family Day) is a relatively new holiday in Israel that was established in 2001. The holiday is celebrated on the 30th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, which usually falls in February. Y...
Summer's Day in Australia is a national day to remember all the children who have lost their lives due to preventable injuries and to assist those children and family members who are still struggling with...
National Day of Kindness is for our members and clubs to celebrate our founding (February 20, 1920) and commitment to serving the community's greatest need. Every community needs kindness and people perfo...
Howdy! We're working on the description for this event. It's one of over two thousand events added to the calendar this year. We have verified it is an authentic event and have included the organization...
Marriages have long been the bedrock of society. Statistics show that married people live longer and are often more content with their lives. Of course, living with someone else isn’t easy, and divorce st...
International Book Giving Day seeks to get books into the hands of children worldwide on Valentine's Day each year. This event was first held in 2012 and is active in more than 44 countries. Activities in...
Non-profit My Stuff Bags created National Mend a Broken Heart month to call attention to children who have been abused and neglected. Often these children must be removed from their homes and end up in fo...