Today is:   March 07

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For the current year, this category includes: 6608 events.

Category: Friends and Family Events

Highlighting events, holidays, and awareness days celebrating, created for or about our closest relationships.

The Family and Friends category includes events that focus on the beautiful mess you were born into (aka family), parenting, and the circle of people you choose to populate your life (aka friends, acquaintances, and co-workers)

Suicide Prevention Week: September 7-13


Suicide Prevention Week in the United States includes World Suicide Prevention Day. This awareness campaign seeks to prevent suicide and teach the warning signs of suicide while reducing the social stig...


Fairtrade Fortnight(UK): September 8-21 (e...


Fairtrade Fortnight is when campaigners, businesses, schools, and places of worship show their support for the farmers and workers who grow the United Kingdom's food in developing countries. From breakfa...


Wonderful Weirdos Day: September 9


Today is when being different and slightly strange is encouraged and applauded. Wonderful Weirdos Day celebrates what makes us unique—brought to you by Wellcat.


Suicide Prevention Day, World: September 1...


World Suicide Prevention Day is an initiative of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). This awareness campaign highlights individuals and organizations with the tools and knowledg...


R U OK? Day (AU): September 13


Inspired by the survivors of Barry Larkin's suicide in 1995, R U Ok? Day helps friends and family start the conversation with those who seem to be struggling with life. A simple discussion beginning with...


Pet Memorial Day, Ntl.: September 14*


National Pet Memorial Day was created more than 40 years ago by the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories. This awareness campaign focuses on the value of pets in a pet owner’s life....


Sober Day, Ntl.: September 14


National Sober Day celebrates living in recovery. Sobriety refers to anyone who has quit alcohol or drugs and chosen to live life without them. The day is set aside for focus during National Recovery Mont...


Hispanic Heritage Month (1821): September...


Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the contributions of Latinos to the culture, prosperity, and history of the United States. What began as a week-long celebration became a national month with the passin...


Respect for the Aged Day (JP): September 1...


Respect for elders and ancestors is central to Asian culture. Each year the nation of Japan sets aside a day to honor its elderly for Respect for the Aged Day, the third Monday in September. Respect for...


Thank You Day, Ntl.: September 15


National Thank You Day encourages a show of appreciation to those who have impacted your life. We often forget to say thank you, and National Thank You Day is a way of getting it on your calendar, so you...


Stepfamily Day, Ntl.: September 16


National Stepfamily Day (or Blended Families Day) honors stepfamilies. Founded by Christy Borgeld in 1997. Its mission is to enhance by a solid commitment to supporting the stepfamilies parenting of our n...


Stepfamily Week, Ntl.: September 16-22


National Stepfamily Week (or Blended Families Week) honors stepfamilies. Founded by Christy Borgeld in 1997. Its mission is to enhance by a solid commitment to supporting the stepfamilies parenting of our...


Working Parents Day, Ntl.: September 16


National Working Parents Day honors working parents and their efforts to provide more to the family. It's an opportunity for kids to take over the responsibilities and for bosses to look at ways to improv...


Time's Up Day: September 17


Time’s Up Day is a celebration about letting people know there is a time limit on how long you have to deliver an apology or make amends. Created by Wellcat Holidays, people are encouraged to talk to f...


AIDS Aging Awareness Day: September 18


Created in 2007, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAAD) is observed annually in September. The event focuses on issues facing an aging population regarding HIV prevention, testing, care, and...


Equal Pay Day, Intl.: September 18


International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on September 18th, symbolizes global efforts to ensure equal pay for work of equal value, highlighting a core commitment of the United Nations to human rights and o...


Brother's Day, Intl.: September 19*


Brother's day celebrates and appreciates our brothers, whether by blood or experience. "Brothers are not defined by the blood that runs in our veins but by the events and experiences which have united us....


POW/MIA Recognition Day, Ntl.: September 1...


The third Friday of September is National Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing in Action (MIA) Recognition Day. On this day, US military installations fly the POW/MIA flag, which symbolizes all who became pris...


AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day: Septemb...


AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day emphasizes and celebrates the special bond between dogs and their owners. More than 5,000 affiliated dog clubs participate nationally. Dog lovers can engage in local spor...


Family Week (PH): September 20-26 (est)


FAMILY WEEK IN THE PHILIPPINES: THE CORE OF FILIPINO CULTURE Each September, the Philippines celebrates Family Week, a national observance dedicated to strengthening family bonds and highlighting the vit...


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