Today is:   March 07

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For the current year, this category includes: 2934 events.

Category: Finance and Banking

Highlighting global events in banking, finance, money and insurance.

The finance and banking category focuses on money, commerce, securities, bartering, budgets, wealth building, wealth distribution, trade, banking, insurance, and finance.

Suicide Prevention Month (US/CA): Septembe...


SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH: A NATIONAL EFFORT TO SAVE LIVES In the United States and Canada, dial 988 if you're experiencing a crisis. Every September, the United States observes Suicide Prevention Month...


Suicide Prevention Month (US/CA): Septembe...


SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH: A NATIONAL EFFORT TO SAVE LIVES In the United States and Canada, dial 988 if you're experiencing a crisis. Every September, the United States observes Suicide Prevention Month...


Parsva Ekadashi (H): September 3


Parsa Ekadashi is the Hindu calendar's eleventh lunar day of every lunar month. Hindus believe that by observing Ekadashi, or Parsva Ekadashi, a person will gain forgiveness for his or her sins. Parsv...


Charity, Intl. Day of (1997): September 5


Annually on the anniversary of the death of Mother Theresa (September 5, 1997), the United Nation's International Day of Charity focuses on giving back to the community via time, money, or expertise. Char...


Black Pound Day (UK): September 6


Born in 2020 in the wake of the Black Lives Matter global protest, Black Pound Day in the United Kingdom is a monthly event occurring on the first Saturday of each month. The purpose is to ask consumers t...


Remember a Charity in Your Will Week (UK):...


Remember a Charity in Your Will Week falls during the second week of September. Sponsored by more than 200 charities in the United Kingdom, this event aims to educate people about charitable organizations...


United Nations General Assembly (US-NY): S...


As of this writing, 193 nations, the Holy See, and Palestine make up the United Nations. Each year in September, member nations gather in New York City to discuss issues affecting the global community. Th...


OPEC Founded (1960): September 10


September 10 marks the anniversary of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) creation in 1960. This organization aims to coordinate and unify the policies on petroleum among its member n...


South-South Cooperation Day, Intl.: Septem...


South-South Cooperation is a manifestation of solidarity among peoples and countries of the global south that contributes to their national well-being, their national and collective self-reliance, and the...


Ecommerce Days, Intl. Women's: September 1...


International Women's E-commerce Days is a global online initiative designed to get women to use their purchasing power and shop online. Hundreds of e-commerce sites around the world participate with spec...


Prinsjesdag, Budget Day, Prince's Day (NL)...


Prinsjesdag, Budget Day, or Prince's Day, marks the official opening of parliament in the Netherlands. The day includes festivities, a speech from the King, and a setting of the nation's budget. Annually...


Equal Pay Day, Intl.: September 18


International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on September 18th, symbolizes global efforts to ensure equal pay for work of equal value, highlighting a core commitment of the United Nations to human rights and o...


Co-op Awareness Month: September 24 - Octo...


There are 29 platforms to generate income from marketing. Co-op dollars are one of them. Each year millions of co-op dollars, used for marketing and promotion, go unused and expire. These are specific fun...


Goose for Prosperity Day (Eat a): Septembe...


September 29 is the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, or Michaelmas Day, a Christian religious holiday dedicated to Archangel Michael, the guardian, and protector of the people. In 15th century Eur...


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