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Category: Food & Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Highlighting global events about what we eat and drink.

The food category is enormous and the second most populated non-nation category in the calendar. It deals with nutrition, food (anything eaten), and non-alcoholic beverages. This category includes eating preferences like vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free.

Hot Breakfast Month: February


Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, yet millions of people skip it. Hot Breakfast Month focuses on getting a good hot protein packed breakfast each day and starting your day off ri...


Pie Month, Great American: February


It's hard not to love pie and the United States is known for several including cherry pie, apple pie and pumpkin pie, (though pumpkin pie actually originated in England). This is the month to indulge yo...


Pudding-Snack Month, Ntl.: February


National Pudding Snack Month celebrates the preserving advances that made it possible in 1968 for pudding to be made and kept without refrigeration. The end result? Chocolate pudding and other flavors in...


Snack Food Month: February


Snack Food Month is sponsored by the Snack Food Association and National Potato Promotion Board to bring a little happiness into the mid-winter doldrums following the Super Bowl snack fest.


Strawberry Month Florida: February


The peak season for strawberries grown in Florida is February. The season begins in December and goes through April. Northern states have a strawberry season that begins in May. Florida Strawberry Month...


Sweet Potato Month, Ntl.: February


National Sweet Potato Month is about focusing on the nutritional values of sweet potatoes as part of a healthy diet. Fresh sweet potatoes (United States grown, orange flesh varieties) have been certifie...


Barcelona Wine Week (ES): February 3-5


First run in 2020, Barcelona Wine Week focus on Spanish wine’s economic, cultural and gastronomic contributions to Spanish heritage and life. Spain is a major wine producer with a wide variety of styles....


Food Service, Pride in Week: February 3-7


Pride in Foodservice Week, since 1991, recognizes nutrition, foodservice professionals and other dietary professionals for their skill and dedication to the job.


Jell-O Week, Ntl.: February 9-15


Since Utah eats more Jell-O than any other state, it's fitting that the state declared National Jell-O Week in 2001 and made it the official state food. The wiggly food was invented by Peter Cooper in...


Kraut & Frankfurter Week: February 9-15


National Kraut and Frankfurter Week has existed since at least 1949, (the earliest official written instance we could find) and is an initiative of the National Kraut Packers Association. The Ohio based o...


Date Festival, Ntl. (US-CA): February 14-2...


A celebration of Arabia and Arabic culture, the National Date Festival at the Riverside County Fairgrounds features Arabic themed music, ostrich races, camel rides, exhibits, shopping and of course, lots...


Future Farmers of America (FFA) Week, Ntl....


Future Farmers of America Week is an opportunity for FFA members, alumni and sponsors to advocate for agricultural education and careers in Agriculture. Currently over 600,000 children in Junior High an...


Grain Bin Safety Week, Ntl: February 16-22


Grain Bin Safety Awareness Week was created by Nationwide Insurance in 2013 to highlight the dangers to farmers of entering Grain Bins when machinery is active. Each year several dozen farm workers die o...


Chip Week, Ntl. (UK): February 17-23


It's National Chip Week in the United Kingdom. Each country is known for at least one signature food and for the United Kingdom, it's Fish & Chips. An island country, England has always survived and t...


Pancake Week, Ntl.: February 19-25


Preparation for Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, traditionally involved removing from one’s kitchen of all rich and dairy foods like milk, butter and eggs. Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) and Pancak...


Bread, Real Bread Week: February 22 - Marc...


A key component of the Real Bread Campaign, Real Bread Week first ran in 2009. This international awareness campaign celebrates real bread and the people who make it. The Campaign encourages bakeries and...


Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Ntl. (UK/...


Eating disorders affect people worldwide. Many factors including lifestyle, vanity, social and/or economic standing contribute to eating disorder. The NEDA (US) and BEAT (UK) have set aside this week to...


Invasive Species Week, Ntl.: February 24-2...


National Invasive Species Week, is a time to learn about your local environment and help prevent invasive species in the United States. Invasive species can be plant, animal or insect based. When they l...


Fairtrade Fortnight (UK): February 25 - Ma...


Fairtrade Fortnight is when campaigners, businesses, schools and places of worship show their support for the farmers and workers who grow our food in developing countries. From breakfasts to banquets, b...


Baked Alaska Day, Ntl.: February 1


Baked Alaska Day celebrates a dessert made of cake, ice cream and baked meringue. Its origin is disputed to be either France, the United States or China. What is known is that the name was coined in...


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