Today is:   December 22

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For the current year, this category includes: 11260 events.

Category: Health Events

Highlighting global events about health, its industries, and health’s impact on life.

The health and healthcare category is the largest non-nation topic in the calendar. It includes events related to health industries, occupations, wellness, pharmacy, diseases, health insurance, research, and topics that affect, promote, assist, and impact the health of living creatures, organisms, and humans.

Beat the Heat Month: February


Going into heat is the process in which a female animal becomes fertile and can conceive a litter. Each year tens of thousands of kittens and puppies are born, exploding the population of unwanted pets a...


Boost-Your-Self-Esteem Month: February


Boost Your Self-esteem Month is about realizing your potential, whilst providing the tools necessary to become the best you can be.


Cat Health Month, Ntl.: February


Cats need vaccinations every 2-3 years and if you can’t remember the last time your cat saw a vet, National Cat Health Month is a gentle reminder to keep up on your feline’s health. It is also the month p...


Cat, Feline Fix by Five Month: February


That cuddly kitten, if she is over five months old, could quickly become a litter. Fix by Five Months is a public awareness campaign that encourages new pet parents to get their cats spayed and neutered b...


Childhood Heart Disease Awareness Month (A...


Childhood Heart Disease Awareness Month is an awareness campaign and fundraising event during the month of February, sponsored by HeartKids. HeartKids is Australia's charity focused on funding the resea...


Children’s Dental Health Month, Ntl.: Febr...


National Children's Dental Health Month draws attention to the need for children to receive dental care beginning at a young age to insure healthy development, habits and development.


Condom Month, Ntl.: February


National Condom Month focuses attention on safe sexual habits and preventing sexual diseases through the use of a condom. The condom has existed in one form or another since 1564. The first condoms wer...


FebFast (AU): February


Can you go a month without sugar or alcohol, or focus on a getting off the couch and getting healthy? FebFast is a fundraising initiative that encourages you to join with others for support and raise mone...


Flu Season Peak, Northern: February


February is the month in which the flu season peaks most often in the Northern Hemisphere. This can happen later in the year or earlier, but February accounts for 50% of sniffling, sneezing, coughing, fev...


Heart Month, American: February


The American Heart Association sponsors American Heart Month each February. Special events and education forums highlighting the dangers of heart disease and what you can do to stop it are held througho...


Heart Research Month (AU): February


Heart Research Day and Heart Research Month in Australia seek to raise awareness of the devastating impact of heart disease on families and individuals, and the need for ongoing research. Heart Research...


Heart, Congenital Heart Defect Awareness M...


Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of the various aspects of children's heart disease and the impact it has on families. The goal of this month is to work towards reducing b...


Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month: February


Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month is about raising awareness of this disorder and financing research for a cure. Approximately 140 million people worldwide are affected by the genetic disorder known as Ma...


Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (AU): Febru...


Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month is held each year in Australia to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, to share the stories of real women affected by the disease, to highlight the r...


Patient Recognition Month, Ntl.: February


The entire month of February is designated as Patient Recognition Month by Army Medicine. The intent of this month is to reinforce our partnership with our Soldiers and other beneficiaries; reaffirm that...


Pet Dental Health Month, Ntl.: February


Pet Dental Health Month happens each February and is an educational outreach forum to teach pet parents how to care for their pet’s teeth. Dental health problems can lead to serious systemic conditions...


Prenatal Infection Prevention Month, Intl....


International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month raises awareness and provides information on preventing the transmission of disease from Mother to child. This event has a specific focus on HBV and HIV...


Psychology Month (CA): February


Psychology Month highlights the contributions of Canadian psychology and to teach Canadians how psychology works to help them live healthy and happy lives, help their communities flourish, help their empl...


Raynaud's Awareness Month (UK): February


Observed in the United Kingdom by wearing gloves for the day, the mission of the Raynaud's Awareness Month is to provide educational and emotional support for people with Raynaud's, their families and rai...


Renaissance of the Heart Month: February


Hearts and minds as one, Renaissance of the Heart Month encourages people to do a personal inventory of their thoughts on heart health and quality of life.


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