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For the current year, this category includes: 1748 events.
The Hindu category focuses on the Hindu faith and culture. Religious holidays and observances in the faith will have a (H) in the event title.
During Kumbha Sankranti, the sun is in a transitory phase and moving from Makar Rashi to Kumbha Rashi. Many communities across Eastern India celebrate Kumbha Sankranti by taking baths in Gang and prayin...
Today marks the birthday of Hindu Guru Ravidas who was born on the full moon of this month in 1377 AD or 1450 AD, depending upon the source, (historians disagree). Each year on this day the faithful fo...
Phalguna is the last month in the Hindu calendar and marks the arrival of spring. The festival Holi is celebrated at the end of this month. At the completion of Phalgun, the Hindu New Year starts. PLEA...
Ekadashi is a Hindu observance that can fall into two categories: annually and monthly. Sattila or Tilda Ekadeshi falls on the 11th day of waning moon (Krishan Paksha) during the fortnight of the Hindu...
Maha Shivratri is a Hindu observance related to Lord Shiva. It is celebrated on the Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi of Magha month. It is the wedding day of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Devotees worship Lord Shiv...
For Hindus, Ekadashi is a sacred event and falls into two categories: monthly and annually. Lord Vishnu is honored monthly on Ekadeshi. Annually the event is expanded during the months of February or Marc...
Meena Sankranti marks the sun's transition from Pisces to Aries. This is a Hindu religious holiday where people donate various items to the poor. PLEASE NOTE: We use the Indian Civil Calendar, which is...
Holika Dahan is a Hindu ritual that occurs on the eve of Holi after the setting of the sun. A bonfire that is prepared days ahead is lit. This is to destroy everything bad and symbolizes the victory of go...
Chaitra is the first month of the Hindu year. It corresponds to March or April of the Gregorian calendar. Lord Vishnu governs this month and it commences upon the conclusion of the Hindu festival Holi. Ch...
In Hindu faith, Chaturthi is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Sankashti Chaturthi (Sankata Chaturthi) is observed on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase of the moon). If thi...
In Hindu faith, Chaturthi is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Sankashti Chaturthi (Sankata Chaturthi) is observed on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase of the moon). If thi...
Sheetala Ashtami is celebrated following Holi. It is a common belief the Hindus who worship Sheetala, that by observing vrat and paying homage to the goddess they will be protected from deadly diseases....
Papmochani Ekadashi in the Hindu calendar arrives in the month of Fagan Vad 11. In the Gregorian calendar it varies. The Papmochani in Hinduism is the giver of wealth and destroyer of sins. Fasting on t...
In Hindu faith, Chaturthi is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Sankashti Chaturthi (Sankata Chaturthi) is observed on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase of the moon). If thi...
In the Hindu religion Amavas, or Amavasya, means 'dark moon' and refers to the new moon phase in Sanskrit. Somvaty Amavasya falls on a Monday. It's believed that fasting on this Amavasya wards off widow...
Chaitra Navratra begins on the ninth day of the Hindu month Chaitra. In the Gregorian calendar, it falls in the months of March or April. It is the holiday for the worship of the goddess of power, Durga.
Chaitra Sukhladi is the first day of the Hindu year and the month of Chaitra. It coincides with the month of March. Chaitra Suldadi is a restricted holiday in India.