Today is:   March 07

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For the current year, this category includes: 734 events.

Category: Jewish

Highlighting global events about or within the Jewish faith.

Religious holidays and observances in the faith will have a (J) in the event title. Each event includes up to six categories. To focus your results further, use Advanced Search to add categories to narrow your results (requires paid membership).

Infertility Awareness Shabbat (J): March 2...


Passover is a holiday with a strong focus on children. In the Jewish faith, The Torah asks the faithful to " tell your children (Exodus 13:8) of the great miracles of the Exodus." The rituals of Seder nig...


Jewish Literary Foundation’s Book Week (UK...


The Jewish Literary Foundation's Book Week, formerly known as Jewish Book Week, is a significant literary festival in the United Kingdom that focuses on Jewish literature, ideas, and culture. The event ha...


Nisan (J): March 30 - April 28


Nisan, sometimes spelled Nissan, is the first month of the ecclesiastical year and the seventh month (eighth, in a leap year) of the civil year within the Jewish faith. It is also the month in which Passo...


Purim (J) (365 BC): March 13-15


Purim is a Jewish festival marking events from the Book of Esther. Esther was able to prevent genocide against the Hebrew people in 355 BC. It’s a story about God’s hands being in everything, whether we s...


Shabbat Across America (J)(US/CA): March 7...


Regardless of how you identify as Jewish, join millions of others throughout the continent celebrating Shabbat together this Friday night. The NJOP's annual Shabbat program will give you a "taste" of Sh...


Shabbat HaChodesh (J): March 28/29


Shabbat Ha Chodesh is the Saturday that precedes the Hebrew month of Nisan and the Passover celebration. Shabbat is "Sabbath" or "Saturday" in Hebrew. On the first day of Nisan, the first commandment on...


Shabbat Parah (J): March 21/22


Shabbat Parah happens on the Saturday after Purim. It marks the start of the preparations for Passover and is an essential Shabbat, initiating a purification ritual involving a red heifer (parah adumah in...


Shabbat Zachor (J): March 7/8


Shabbat Zachor, “The Sabbath of Remembrance,” is marked beginning at sundown on the Friday before the Jewish holiday of Purim. The traditional Sabbath meal is served, and Deuteronomy 25:17-19 is read, rec...


Ta'anit Esther (J): March 13


Ta'anit Esther is the fast of Esther, which occurs from sunrise to sunset on the eve of the Purim holiday in the Jewish faith. It commemorates the fasting of the Hebrews under Persian exile.


Unplugging, National Day of: March 7/8


National Day of Unplugging is a 24-hour period where people worldwide volunteer to unplug and live without technology from sundown on a Friday in March to sunset Saturday. What’s with the sundown-to-su...


Herzl Day (IL): May 7/8


Theodor Herzl Day is a day of commemoration in Israel that honors the life and legacy of Theodor Herzl, who is widely regarded as the father of modern political Zionism. The holiday is observed annually o...


Lag B'Omer (J): May 15/16


Bonfires, haircuts, and weddings, what do all these things have in common? The Jewish holiday of Lag B'Omer. Lag B'Omer marks the anniversary of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's death (approximately 120AD - 199...


Pesach Sheni (J): May 11/12


On Pesach Sheni is the "Second Passover." The Old Testament teaches that God instructed the people of Israel to bring the Passover offering on the fourteenth of Nissan and eat it that evening. However,...


Sivan (J): May 27 - June 25


Sivan is a late spring or early summer month in the Hebrew calendar, and it is the ninth month of the civil year and the third month of the ecclesiastical year. The main holiday during this month, celeb...


Ben-Gurion Day (IL): November 25/26


Ben Gurion Day is a national holiday in Israel that is observed annually on the Hebrew date of 11th Heshvan, which usually falls in late October or early November. The holiday is named after David Ben Gur...


Donor Sabbath, Ntl.: November 14-16


International Donor Sabbath occurs every year and is organized by faith leaders in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other faiths to raise awareness of the need to become organ and tissue donors to save l...


Donor Sabbath, Ntl.: November 7-9


International Donor Sabbath is organized annually by faith leaders in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other faiths to raise awareness of the need to become organ and tissue donors to save lives. Most...


Kislev (J): November 21 - December 20


Kislev is the third month of the Hebrew calendar and the ninth month of the ecclesiastical year, corresponding to November and December in the Gregorian calendar. Typically, Kislev has 30 days, but it c...


Kristallnacht (DE)(1938): November 9


Today is the anniversary of Kristallnacht, otherwise known as the Night of the Broken Glass. It was a pivotal moment in the rise of fascism in Germany, as, before this night, acts of anti-Semitism by the...


Sandwich Day (1718): November 3


Sandwich Day honors one of the oldest methods of serving food, the sandwich. The first recorded sandwich was made by Hillel the Elder, a rabbi who lived in the first century BC. He chopped nuts, apples,...


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