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For the current year, this category includes: 6130 events.
Lifestyle category events celebrate how we live our lives, our activities, lifestyle and connections.
Coaches help you excel in many areas, whether sports and business or life and love. With the new year starting, Dating and Life Coaches Recognition Week raises awareness among people considering a career...
The first seven days of each new year are "Diet Resolution Week." These are the days of the year when, traditionally, people start the year off with their new diet and exercise regime. Most people can s...
Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day is approximately two and a half weeks into the new year; it's a day when it's ok to ditch New Year's resolutions if sticking to them isn't working. Ditch New Year's Res...
The World Economic Forum meets once a year and is attended by leading politicians, policymakers, and business people from around the world. Its primary goal is promoting Public-Private Cooperation in init...
National Folic Acid Awareness Week is an awareness campaign by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Folic acid is a B-vitamin that is necessary for proper cell growth. If taken before and duri...
January is National Get Organized Month. The National Association of Professional Organizers created the month in 2005 to increase awareness of the value of being organized and even hire a professional...
Global Family Day is recognized by the US Congress, UN General Assembly, and a variety of governments and organizations the world over. Global Family Day originated with Linda Grover, who passed away in...
Extroverts, who love attention and are easy to spot in a crowd, are approximately 60% of the population. Introverts tend to be quiet in public and are often unseen. Through quiet observation, introverts s...
Created in 1981 by Joan White, Joygerm Day is a play on words (Joy + Germ). The holidays are over, and it's time to "infect the world with kindness, courtesy, civility, encouragement, respect and respon...
Today is a day to flip the tables on the cat calls and hoots. Male Watchers Day provides a license to women to gawk, ogle and objectify men for a change (and see how they like being treated like a piece o...
National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) is one of Canada's longest-running public health education efforts. The week helps those who want to quit smoking, quit. See the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control (CCTC...
Organize Your Home Day is about putting things away after the holidays and preparing your home for spring. On this day, people are encouraged to finally put their home in order - put those clothes wher...
Personal Trainer Awareness Day coincides with most people making New Year's resolutions to get in shape and exercise. From their 2005 press release on the day: PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FLORIDA (PRWEB) DECEMB...
National Poverty in America Awareness Month seeks to raise awareness about the 46 million Americans living in poverty. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catholic Campaign for Human De...
A day set aside to demonstrate your love and affection for dogs. This event first ran in 2019.
International Quality of Life Month falls in January, a time of new beginnings and reflection. The primary objective of International Quality of Life Month is to encourage people to focus not on income a...
National Radon Action Month raises awareness about the radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the environment and causes serious health problems to those exposed. Radon comes from the natural decay of...