Today is:   March 07

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For the current year, this category includes: 4739 events.

Category: Religion

Highlighting global events relating to religious beliefs and practices.

Religion is the general category for all faith-based events

Chitragupta Puja (H): October 23


Chitragupta is the patron god of the Hindu community of Kayasthas. The son of Lord Brahma, this is the god who keeps an accounting of all human actions on earth. The day of his observance is also known...


Jumadal-Awwal (M): October 23 - November 2...


Jumadal-Awwal is the fifth month of the Islamic calendar. PLEASE NOTE: Islamic holidays are determined in Mecca by the moon’s position and can occur a day earlier or later than posted.


Chhath Puja (H): October 25


Chhath Puja is a Hindu religious observance that celebrates the sun and the natural world. Lord Surya is worshipped by chanting prayers and fasting next to unpolluted rivers. PLEASE NOTE: We use the In...


Reformation Sunday (C)(1517): October 26


On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, 95 theses against the indulgences and corruption in the Roman Catholic church. It was an act of protest that...


All Hallows Eve: October 30


All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day are Christian observances first declared by the Catholic Church in the eighth century AD. It is a time of feasting during the day to honor those sainted and soon to be...


Gopashtami (H): October 30


Gopashtami is a Hindu holiday on the day following Ashtami Tithi in the month of Kartik Shuka Paksha. It celebrates Lord Krishna's lifting of the Govardhan Parvat (mountain) on this day, an act that sav...


Samhain: October 31


November 1 is New Year's Day in Wiccan and other pagan faiths. Therefore, the night before sees the sun god retired until Yule (December 21 - January 1) and a celebratory feast. Samhain is an important fe...


Ecclesiastical Orthodox New Year (C): Sept...


September 1 is the beginning of the new religious year in the Orthodox Christian community.


First Parkash (S)(1604): September 1


Guru Granth Sahib read the first enlightenments of Sikhism on this day in 1604. There are several Parkash throughout the year. This ceremony is usually carried out at dawn and represents the transference...


Gospel Music Heritage Month, Ntl.: Septemb...


September is the National Gospel Music Heritage Month. Pioneered by Alvin V. Williams in 2007, this awareness month aims to educate and celebrate gospel music's forms and heritage. Established in the...


Parsva Ekadashi (H): September 3


Parsa Ekadashi is the Hindu calendar's eleventh lunar day of every lunar month. Hindus believe that by observing Ekadashi, or Parsva Ekadashi, a person will gain forgiveness for his or her sins. Parsv...


Mawlid an-Nabi (M) (570 AD): September 4/5


Mawlid an-Nabi, or Mawlid in Islam, is the day set aside for the birth of the Prophet Muhammed. Practicing Muslims usually follow the mention of his name with "Peace be upon him" or the initials PBUH. M...


Onam (H)(IN-KL): September 5-14


Onam is a lavish festival experienced best in the region of Kerala, India. It celebrates Vamana Avatara, the fifth avatar of Lord Vishnu, and Onam is also considered a harvest festival. PLEASE NOTE: We...


Anant Chaturdashi (H): September 6


Anant Chaturdashi is the last day of the Ganesh Utsav, which generally falls on the 14th day of the Hindu month of Bhadrapada. Although all Hindus celebrate this occasion, those in Maharastra who observe...


Ganesh Visarjan (H): September 6


Ganesh Visarjan is a day after the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Visarjan means "immersion". On Ganesh Visarjan, statues of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed Hindu god, are placed in a body of water and lef...


Pratipada Shraddha, Bhadrapada Purnima (H)...


Today Hindus mark the Bhadra Pad Purnima Pratipada Shraddha. Pratipada Shraddha is a ritual for deceased family members who died on Pratipada Tithi, including Shukla and Krishna Paksha Pratipada. Special...


Birth of the Virgin Mary (C)(20 BC): Septe...


The Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, is said to have been born on this day in 20 BC, making her approximately 20 years old when she gave birth. The date comes from the Protoevangelium of James. On this...


Prayers and Remembrance, National Days of:...


National Days of Prayers & Remembrance pays homage to the men, women, and children who died in New York City, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The day also honors the countless her...


Sankashti Chaturthi (H): September 10


In the Hindu faith, Chaturthi celebrates Lord Ganesha. Sankashti Chaturthi (Sankata Chaturthi) is observed on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha (dark lunar phase or the waning phase of the moon). If this...


Brotherhood Day, Universal (1983): Septemb...


Universal Brotherhood Day came into existence through a powerful speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda in 1983 before the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, Illinois. Swami’s speech highlighted concern...


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