Today is:   March 07

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Category: Safety and Security

Highlighting global events relating to security, best practices, threats, and safety.

This category focuses on safety and security in all realms, including health, digital spaces, career, and life

Check Your Batteries Day (US/CA): November...


Check Your Batteries Day occurs twice a year and coincides with time changes when we spring forward for spring and fall back to standard time in the fall. FEMA chose this day as the logical opportunity fo...


Check Your Wipers Day, Northern Hemisphere...


Windshield wipers are small, unassuming devices that play a vital role in maintaining clear visibility during inclement weather, making them an essential element of road safety. To underscore their signif...


Child Safety Protection Month: November


November is Child Safety Protection Month, allowing parents to review home safety precautions for their children. Parents are encouraged to create contingency plans outlining options and tasks should a...


Clean Your Refrigerator Day: November 15


In preparation for the Thanksgiving feast, today is Clean Your Refrigerator Day. Clean out those science experiments and expired food. Wash the sides, clean the veggie bins, or outsource this task to the...


Community Safety and Crime Prevention Mont...


The Canada Safety Council's Community Safety Month aims to promote safety in communities across Canada by offering a range of resources and materials to help individuals and organizations promote safety i...


Computer Security Day, Intl.: November 30


International Computer Security Day began in 1988 as an awareness campaign focusing on computer-related security issues. This annual event is observed worldwide and raises awareness of best practices in...


COP30 (BR): November 10-21 (est)


ABOUT COP30 IN BRAZIL With 197 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreemen...


Critical Infrastructure Security and Resil...


The strength of a nation is dependent upon its infrastructure. Like bones in a body, the infrastructure supports the nation’s ability to move products and services and defend itself. National Critical I...


Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: November 2...


The National Sleep Foundation champions Drowsy Driving Prevention Week and aims to reduce the number of car accidents due to fatigue and drowsy driving. Currently, 22% of daily deaths from vehicle acciden...


Fraud Prevention Week, Intl: November 16-2...


Five percent of annual revenues are lost by organizations each year due to fraud, according to a study conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). The ACFE’s 2016 Report to the Nat...


Home Fire Safety Week, Ntl: November 24-30


Canada's Home Fire Safety Week is an annual public safety campaign in November. The week aims to raise awareness about the importance of home fire safety and provide Canadians with the knowledge and tools...


MADD Tie One on for Safety: November 1 - J...


Each year, as the holiday season approaches, millions of Americans prepare to celebrate with friends and family. However, with festive gatherings often comes an increase in alcohol consumption, leading to...


Media Traffic Professionals Day, Ntl.: Nov...


Annually on the first or second Monday in November, National Media Traffic Professionals Day pays tribute to the men and women who report on the traffic for local media and help us get from place to place...


One Health Day: November 3


One Health Day, created in 2016, is an international campaign coordinated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other global health bodies, is observed annually on November 3rd. This...


Organized Crime, Intl. Day for the Prevent...


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE PREVENTION OF AND FIGHT AGAINST ALL FORMS OF TRANSNATIONAL ORGANIZED CRIME The International Day for the Prevention of and Fight against All Forms of Transnational Organized Cri...


Patient Accessibility Week, Ntl.: November...


The disabled, elderly, obese, and others often have difficulty accessing health care providers and their offices. National Patient Accessibility Week encourages health care providers and facilities to loo...


Road Safety Week (UK): November 16-22 (est...


Brake, the road safety charity, coordinates Road Safety Week. It encourages people to get involved through their schools, colleges, employers, community groups, authorities, and emergency services to educ...


Road Traffic Victims Memorial Day, World:...


World Road Traffic Victims Memorial Day is held on the third Sunday of November. This day honors the victims and surviving families of road accidents the world over, and it bestows gratitude to the first...


Runaway Prevention Month, Ntl.: November


November is National Runaway Prevention Month (NRPM), a public awareness campaign designed to “Shine a Light” on the experiences of runaway and homeless youth that too often remain invisible. It is also a...


Safety Razor Day (1904): November 15


Safety Razor Day marks the anniversary of the invention of the safety razor on November 15, 1904, created by King C. Gillette and Willian Nickerson. King, a traveling salesman by trade, developed the id...


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