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For the current year, this category includes: 4483 events.
This category focuses on safety and security in all realms, including health, digital spaces, career, and life
On Spirit Day, people wear purple to support LGBTQ+ youth and take a stand against bullying. This awareness campaign is championed by GLAAD and is the most extensive annual anti-bullying campaign explicit...
The Canada Safety Council's School Safety Week raises awareness about the importance of school safety and promotes common sense practices in schools across Canada. The campaign presents educational resou...
World Trauma Day began in New Delhi in 2011 in conjunction with The Trauma Society of South Africa. It highlights the impact, prevention, and treatment of traumatic injuries and deaths. The World Health O...
Promoted by Hey U.G.L.Y. (Unique, Gifted, Lovable, You), the National Bullying Bystanders Unite Week seeks to encourage the 85% of people who witness bullying but do nothing to pledge not to let bullying...
INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE QUALITY WEEK: ADVOCATING FOR EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH International Healthcare Quality Week promotes the importance of quality in healthcare and recognizes the contributions of healt...
Lead poisoning continues to be a severe problem, especially in older buildings where paint peels and children often eat it. It can also be present in the dust and inhaled, in soil, water and air. Working...
Rats and mice like to be warm, just like people. As the temperatures fall, these animals seek shelter in homes through openings as small as a dime. Once inside, they can harbor in the walls, chewing throu...
National School Safety Center, state governors, and state school superintendents sponsor America's annual Safe Schools Week. America's Safe Schools Week provides a platform for achieving quality educati...
October hosts National Teen Driver Safety Week in the United States. Teens begin driving around 15 with permits and are the most inexperienced. National Teen Driver Safety Week exists to help teen driv...
HIP Week (Health Information Professionals Week) is an annual event in Canada that celebrates and recognizes the contributions of health information professionals (HIPs). HIP Week is typically held duri...
National School Bus Safety Week in the United States raises awareness about the dangers children must be aware of when taking a school bus. Examples include: Where to wait for the bus What to do whil...
Week Without Violence is part of a global movement to end violence against women and girls with YWCAs across the country and around the world. For over 20 years, YWCA has set aside the third week in Octob...
Red Ribbon Week began in 1988. National Family Partnership (NFP) uses the National Red Ribbon Campaign™ to promote drug awareness. Since its beginning in 1985, the Red Ribbon has touched the lives of mi...
The United Nations promote World Disarmament Week. It encourages nations and people to choose peaceful solutions over militancy when solving problems.
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That's dangerous and often tragic and why it was great to see thousands of folks from across the country clean out their medicine...
October 30, 1935, Boeing Model 299 Flying Fortress, NX13372, took off on its initial run. It crashed right after takeoff, stalling first. Three of the men on board escaped the crash. It was later discover...
Baby Safety Month is sponsored by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA); this awareness month seeks to educate parents and caregivers on the best (safe) practices to protect babies from h...
National Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month, as deemed by a resolution by the U.S. Senate, aims to raise awareness about the dangers of a brain aneurysm. It is a condition faced by 1 in 50 people in the U.S....
Building Code Enforcement Staff Appreciation Day is set aside yearly to applaud the men and women, ensuring public and private edifices remain safe and in good repair. If you’ve ever lived in a country wi...
National Campus Fire Safety Month is held every year at the commencement of the fall semester. As students return to campus after the summer break, the month raises awareness of fire safety on campus. The...