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For the current year, this category includes: 4076 events.
Events celebrating or unique to Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the Isle of Man.
This is the single exception to the ISO two-letter code. The official ISO code for the United Kingdom is (GB). Ireland is (IE). LEEP Calendar uses (UK) for the United Kingdom and (IE) for Ireland.
Outside of the United States, the United Kingdom has the most events in LEEP Calendar. This category includes those specific to, or celebrating the culture of the United Kingdom and/or Ireland.
Events that are specific to a country will have that country's two letter code in the title:
Culture Day (UK/IE): April 19
For global events that also occur in these nations, run a search on Worldwide events in Advanced Search.
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Events for the United States, worldwide and regions do not include ISO designations in the event name. Events that are specific to other countries will have the two letter ISO designation in the title. Exception: United Kingdom is (UK) rather than (GB).
Example: Donkey welfare Day (KE): May 17
Translation: "Donkey Welfare Day is observed in Kenya on May 17 this year".
Search "Worldwide" for events that are international and not associated with a specific country.
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