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For the current year, this category includes: 27072 events.
Results in this category include international events by the United Nations, religions, corporations, NGOs, non-profits and others that are not limited to a single region or country. These events are global.
There are two unofficial events celebrating guacamole in the calendar: Guacamole Day on September 16 and Spicy Guacamole Day on November 14 each year. Neither event has a sponsor, and both appeared online...
National Information Professionals (IT) Day was created in 2014 to honor the oft unsung heroes of the IT department. Information Technology is essential to business today. Websites, e-commerce, security,...
Mayflower Day on September 16, 1602, commemorates the departure of the Mayflower from Plymouth, England, bound for America. On the Mayflower were 102 passengers seeking religious freedom in the New World.
The Oklahoma Land Race was held on September 16, 1893. Otherwise known as the Land Run of 1893 or the Cherokee Strip Land Run, it would become the most extensive land run in United States history. More t...
National Play-Doh Day honors the iconic modeling clay-branded Play-Doh on the anniversary of its release as a toy, September 16, 1955. Originally marketed as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s, it was rec...
National Stepfamily Day (or Blended Families Day) honors stepfamilies. Founded by Christy Borgeld in 1997. Its mission is to enhance by a solid commitment to supporting the stepfamilies parenting of our n...
National Stepfamily Week (or Blended Families Week) honors stepfamilies. Founded by Christy Borgeld in 1997. Its mission is to enhance by a solid commitment to supporting the stepfamilies parenting of our...
National Working Parents Day honors working parents and their efforts to provide more to the family. It's an opportunity for kids to take over the responsibilities and for bosses to look at ways to improv...
National Apple Dumpling Day highlights the pastry made of sliced apples which can be deep fried or baked and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. The apple dumpling is believed to have originated in the n...
Backpack (School) Safety Awareness Day occurs on the third Wednesday of September. Created by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc., this awareness campaign focuses on backpack safety. Whe...
National Constitution Week occurs each September, beginning on the anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution on September 17, 1787. Although President Dwight Eisenhower first enacted this celebr...
The Walnut Valley Association was formed in 1972 to produce the Walnut Valley National Guitar Flat-Picking Championships Festival, also known as the Flat-Picking Championships, the Walnut Valley Festival,...
Table Shuffleboard was created during the 15th century in England and has been a form of entertainment and competition in public houses and gatherings since. National Table Shuffleboard Day was created in...
Time’s Up Day is a celebration about letting people know there is a time limit on how long you have to deliver an apology or make amends. Created by Wellcat Holidays, people are encouraged to talk to f...
Created in 2007, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (NHAAAD) is observed annually in September. The event focuses on issues facing an aging population regarding HIV prevention, testing, care, and...
National Cheeseburger Day celebrates an international favorite, the cheeseburger. A cheeseburger is a hamburger with cheese. Where did the hamburger come from initially? Mongolia. Mongolia is a cold...
Read an ebook Day encourages people to read ebooks and discover what is available. With the explosion of tablets, ebooks have risen in popularity over the past 20 years. They’ve been around since the be...
The National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) promotes National Teach Ag Day. Ag stands for Agriculture, which plays a critical role in society and national security by developing a sustaina...
Butterscotch Pudding Day honors butterscotch pudding, which was first mentioned in historical records during the 13th Century. Made of brown sugar, butter, molasses (treacle), and sugar, the ingredients...
The Kentucky Bourbon Festival®, held the third week of September, attracts approximately 50,000 bourbon enthusiasts annually. Multiple events, including the Festival on the Lawn, free music concerts, bour...