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Welcome to Spring or Autumn. This is a transitional month with something for everyone. Internationally, it is Women's History Month, focusing on the achievements, needs, and challenges that women ...
The world steps into the second month of 2025 with hope and trepidation. The United States has a new administration. Canada is finding its way to a new administration. Germany and several other European nations...
There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
Prescription Drug Disposal Awareness Day promotes one message: When you're done using your prescription drug, please get rid of it.
Steve Pasierb, the president of Partnership for a Drug-Free America, states:
"Our research shows that the No. 1 source of medicines that kids abuse is their own home medicine cabinet or a family member or friend's home."
With thousands of cases of death due to an unintentional overdose of prescription drugs each year, disposing of unneeded prescription drugs will eliminate temptation and drastically reduce the number of casualties created by this easily assuaged issue.
Annually on the birthday of Timothy Strain, May 24, 1991. Strain died on August 6, 2009, of an accidental drug overdose of methadone at the age of 18 when his girlfriend's mother accidentally gave him the drug thinking it was the pain killer Percocet. Strain's death could have been avoided had the medication been disposed of properly when no longer in use.
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