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Welcome to Spring or Autumn. This is a transitional month with something for everyone. Internationally, it is Women's History Month, focusing on the achievements, needs, and challenges that women ...
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From the champion, Nextdoor:
"What's one small thing a neighbor did for you this week?
If there's anything we've learned in our years of neighboring at Nextdoor, it's that neighborhoods are built on small, simple actions: The coffee shop owner who greets you by name every morning. The stranger who lets you go first in line at the pharmacy. The neighbor who waves from across the street.
We want to hear more about the simple things you and others do to play a part in your neighborhood. Submit a story about a neighbor who inspires you, and we'll share some favorites and recognize them on National Neighbor Day, September 28th.
We've seen the power neighborhoods have when we tap into them — especially in unprecedented times like these. We've been moved by the change that can come from the smallest neighborly gestures.
It's why we're declaring September as Neighbor Month. It's a time to celebrate how neighbors have come together, in ways big and small, as so many have faced difficult challenges this year. Neighbors coming together also inspired Nextdoor's new look, which reminds us how powerful a simple wave can be.
Here are a few neighbors who have inspired us recently:
The neighbor in Madrid, Spain who created a Nextdoor group for others who were quarantined alone and quickly found 227 kindred spirits to keep him company virtually.
The California grocery store owner who saw local volunteers sign up to help manage social distancing in line to keep his business open during the pandemic.
The British woman who offered to make home cooked meals for neighbors in need and soon found herself delivering 150 dinners a week with the help of others nearby.
As part of Neighbor Month, Nextdoor is also kicking off a series of conversations about the future of neighborhoods — and how gestures that start small can lead to big change. Stay tuned for details on how to participate here.
We look forward to hearing more about how you and your neighbors find simple ways to come together. Thank you for taking the time to make your neighborhood better."
Sarah Friar, Nextdoor CEO
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