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There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
We've arrived at another new year; the older I get, the more frequently they come. When I was younger, years seemed to take a long time to pass. Now, they're just a blip—here and gone. For ma...
21 Themes and 'Year of' Events for 2025 PART ONE, THE FIRST 12 Every year, various organizations announce the theme for the year. These themes can focus on causes, such as aesthetics and color tre...
National Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness Month is supported by a number of organizations and seeks to raise awareness on how easy it is to become a victim during the busy holiday shopping season.
Laws and technology have a hard time keeping up with the criminals' ingenuity. No matter how protected we are, it's the responsibility of each of us to keep ourselves informed and alert for potential risk and dangers.
Precautions including never letting your card out of your sight, not using exposed ATMs (opt for ATMs in stores or banks), setting up bank alerts for all transactions, shredding bank statements and other trash that includes sensitive information, keeping passwords safe and not giving out your national ID information freely. For example, not everyone who asks for it needs your social security number in the United States. Only the government and creditors do. If you're not applying for credit, it's not tied to government services or taxes, other organizations do not need it. Never allow it to be your ID number outside of Social Security. Refuse, so it doesn't get reused.
These are some of the steps you can take to help guard your identity.
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Jul 18, 2022EVENT MANAGER:
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