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July is a Jubilee of Events

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About Insurance Awareness Day

United States
Insurance Awareness Day
Finance & Banking , Safety & Security
United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Jun 28, 2022
Ends: Jun 28, 2022


National Insurance Awareness Day comes about at the end of the second quarter and a couple of days before the beginning of third quarter, which is the start of many fiscal years for a number of corporations and organizations.

The day is set aside as an annual reminder urging people and companies to review their insurance coverage and eliminate that not needed or amend policies that are deficient. This includes home, life, medical, auto, renters, workers compensation, credit, extended disability and other coverages unique to your situation.

This is an unofficial event with no sponsor.

Personal note from Laura: My car insurance shopping nightmare

2018: I recently returned from living overseas and as I've awaited my car's arrival, I've been shopping car insurance. What happened over the four years I was overseas?

When I left to go overseas, my car was still being paid for and I lived in Los Angeles, car capital of the United States. My full coverage was about $90/month in 2014. My car then is the same I'm insuring now. I have no accidents or tickets in over 20 years and I've been continually insured. That is the same coverage I had in Los Angeles, in Philadelphia, starts at $163/month. Quotes went as high as $638/month for a six year old car worth about $15K driven by a middle aged, college educated woman with a perfect driving record and excellent credit.



The first item to take note of is the default 'Tort Lite' option. If you don't read the fine print on your policy or quote, you won't realize you're automatically channeled into this Tort Lite option.

Essentially, Tort Lite eliminates your ability to sue for more than medical bills, (which you'll notice the insurance caps). If you've ever been in a serious accident, you know you don't get better right away. It affects every part of your life. With tort lite you abdicate your ability to sue for loss wages, pain and suffering and care beyond the pre-set cap.

What used to be part of full coverage: $25,000 property damage, $50-$100K per accident medical, death benefit, lost wages and towing/car rental, if you're focused on an affordable rate and 'saving $570 per year' or '15% in 15 minutes' as commercials say, you won't notice these are not included at these levels. You'll likely see property damage at $5,000. Per-accident medical, $15-$30K, often with a limit on two people only. Death benefits, rentals, towing, lost wages aren't included at all. You'll have to opt-in for this in the customized cafeteria plan. You may get uninsured coverage with low limits, but not underinsured. If you allow the default to 'tort lite', you can't sue for any of this either after the fact. If you take the straight quote, you won't see this.

Another advent is voluntary monitoring devices many of the insurance companies promote for a discount if you agree to use it through your smart phone or use their plugin. Being ticket and accident free isn't enough. They need to know and log every place you drive, how many miles you drive, at what speed, how often you put on the brakes, plus anything else electronic surveillance makes possible. It requires you trust them not to change their privacy and collection policies as technology advances. You trade privacy for 10-30% of your fee. It's spyware, plain and simple.

Some insurance companies make you buy extra insurance in case you're in a chain reaction accident. They'll only cover the first car that hits you, not damage from a second. They'll decide what injuries and damage goes with what car. It is mind boggling.

The newest entry to car insurance is firms that offer a 'low monthly base rate' but charge you for every mile you drive, (also requires you use spyware). Tempting, until you do the math. If you commute or drive 1,000 miles a month, you've already exceeded the higher quality insurance costs, without spyware.

I haven't even addressed comprehensive and collision. No need for that. I think you get the idea. Verify what you're getting. You might be surprised.


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Jul 18, 2022



Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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