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About the Anniversary of the Taliban retaking Afghanistan

Taliban retake Afghanistan (AF)(2021)
Anniversaries , Military
Politics , Civil Rights
Finance & Banking , Middle East/West Asia
Dates Active:
Begins: Aug 15, 2022
Ends: Aug 15, 2022


In literally ten days, against the backdrop of US and NATO military withdrawal, the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan by taking over every provincial capital, including Kabul, and forcing the president to flee on August 15, 2021.

The speed and efficiency with which the para-military group gained control of the entire nation shocked the world, catching Afghanis and world leaders by surprise. The action left an uneasy void, with the Afghan people specifically concerned. When the United States and its coalition invaded Afghanistan in October 2001, women had few rights. They were forced to wear burkas in public and prohibited from attending school, working, or moving freely. Music, dancing, and public mingling between the sexes were forbidden. Men were required to wear beards and dress under specific laws. All of these laws and rules were enforced by the Taliban brutally.

It is unknown if the Taliban will return to its draconian measures or if it will migrate toward a more inclusive and equitable Islamic rule. Inclusive governance was the norm during the Golden Era of Islam, and even highly conservative Islamic states like Saudi Arabia and Iran have been moving.

We are writing this on August 15, 2021, and we'll update it in 2022. For the sake of the people of Afghanistan and an entire generation that hasn't been barred from school and work, we hope the Taliban learned from its previous mistakes in its two decades of exile. Given the speed they were able to accomplish this, at least in fighting, they have. Inshallah, that translates to governing and diplomacy.

July 13, 2022: Unfortunately, as we approach the one-year anniversary, Afghanistan is in dire straits. Women have lost most of their rights, and girls continue to be barred from school. Starvation is rampant, and earthquakes and other disasters show the Taliban's weakness. Worse, the American government has done little to correct its abandonment of Afghanistan. Nothing will get better until the Taliban is gone. They did not keep their assurances, and the end is nowhere in sight.


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Jul 26, 2022


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