Today is:   October 05

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About National S'mores Day

United States
S'mores Day, Ntl.
Food , United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Aug 10, 2023
Ends: Aug 10, 2023


National S'mores Day honors the three-ingredient camping treat made of graham crackers, toasted marshmallows, and melted chocolate.

The recipe was first published 1927 in the Camping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts, the Girl Scout Handbook.

Since that first publishing, s'mores have ascended to the status of campfire cooking legend.

A personal story from Laura (LEEP’s founder):

"I love s'mores, and thankfully they are halal.

Soon after arriving in Saudi Arabia, I had about twenty co-workers over to my home for a party. In the weeks leading up, I collected supplies. After a lot of hunting, I found graham crackers in Bahrain, flat chocolate bars (Swiss), and to my surprise, jumbo marshmallows. Luckily, the company commissary had these in stock temporarily; I bought five bags. Supplied, I was ready to try out my new firepit!

None of my international friends (Saudi, South Korea, Egypt, Portugal, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa) knew what a s'more was. I trotted out the ingredients, converted several wire hangers into skewers, and started roasting marshmallows. Soon a crowd gathered.

"What are you doing, Laura?" Mona, an Egyptian, asked.

"Something American you are going to love. Grab the graham crackers and cut that chocolate bar in thirds," I instructed, pointing to the box and bars.

Mona cut the bar, broke the graham cracker in half, placed the chocolate on top of one of the two pieces, and then motioned her to bring it to me on a plate. On my wire hanger, the giant marshmallow was turning golden brown.

Motioning to the plate with the graham cracker halves and chocolate, I asked, "Bring that here." Removing the marshmallow from the flame, I used the top graham cracker to slide the toasted marshmallow off the wire onto the bottom cracker and chocolate. Viola! Graham cracker, chocolate, toasted marshmallow, graham cracker, or a s’more.

“Taste it,” I suggested.

She did, and…” Mash’allah! This is so good!”

Very quickly, the rest of my wire hanger skewers were sporting large marshmallows over the flame. S’mores were a hit in every language you can imagine, and my five bags, chocolate, and graham crackers quickly disappeared.

Food is the best ambassador. I think I might also be responsible for the Eastern Province peanut butter cookie addiction. That’s another story.

I never was able to get giant marshmallows at the company commissary again. For some reason, Lulu sold out as soon as they came in.”


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Jun 09, 2023



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