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There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
We've arrived at another new year; the older I get, the more frequently they come. When I was younger, years seemed to take a long time to pass. Now, they're just a blip—here and gone. For ma...
21 Themes and 'Year of' Events for 2025 PART ONE, THE FIRST 12 Every year, various organizations announce the theme for the year. These themes can focus on causes, such as aesthetics and color tre...
It is Pansexual Visibility Day, a day to proudly declare your sexual desire for Homosapiens of every persuasion curated according to your unique preferences.
What began as defined areas of sexual orientations: gay, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual, has morphed into over forty different identities in the past decade, each with its rainbow style flag, its truth, its change to grammar, and its focus on "I." One of these new designations is pansexual, which those identifying as such insist is different from bisexual. Or, depending on who you consult, not separate but a subset because you can be both.
Don't worry if you are confused. Pansexual Visibility Day came into being by LGBTQ+ Twitter activists to celebrate pansexuals and encourage education about their truth.
Bisexuality means you are sexually attracted to men and women.
Pansexual means you are attracted to men, women and any other of the forty different designations now populating gender identity and human sexuality. You are sexually attracted to human beings, regardless of sex, gender, or identity, and who you are attracted to changes, morphs, and merges as often as you like.
Panromantic Visibility Day is another new day. It describes people who change romantic attractions day-to-day or hour-by-hour, whether or not sexual feelings are involved.
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Jun 13, 2023EVENT MANAGER:
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