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About Ayatollah Ruollah Khomeini Day

Ayatollah Ruollah Khomeini Day (IR)(1989)
Anniversaries , Politics
Muslim , Middle East/West Asia
Dates Active:
Begins: Jun 03, 2024
Ends: Jun 03, 2024


Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Day is a national holiday in Iran and marks the cleric's death on June 3, 1989.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was an influential Shiite Muslim cleric and political leader who was pivotal in the 1979 Iranian Revolution, transforming Iran into an Islamic republic. Born on September 24, 1902, in Khomeyn, Iran, Khomeini embarked on his religious education from an early age, rising through the clerical ranks to become a leading figure in the Shiite community.

As an Ayatollah, a high-ranking title in Shiite Islam, Khomeini became a critic of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's regime, particularly his modernizing efforts in the 1960s, which Khomeini saw as a deviation from Islamic principles. This opposition led to his exile in 1964, first to Turkey, then Iraq, and finally to France.

During his exile, Khomeini propagated his vision of an Islamic state led by a supreme religious leader, or "Velayat-e-Faqih," via sermons and writings. His influence grew, and his resistance messages against Pahlavi's regime became increasingly popular, gaining him a vast following among Iranians disillusioned with Pahlavi's authoritarian rule.

In 1979, the growing discontent culminated in the Iranian Revolution. As the Pahlavi's regime crumbled, Khomeini returned to Iran amidst public euphoria, effectively taking control of the government. He oversaw the drafting of a new constitution, establishing the Islamic Republic of Iran. Theocratic and unapologetically anti-Western, this new state embodied Khomeini's vision, with him as the Supreme Leader.

Khomeini's leadership embraced a conservative interpretation of Islamic law, widespread political repression, and conflict with the West, most notably the hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran. However, his policies also included land redistribution, expansion of social services, and women's education.

Internationally, Khomeini's leadership and the Iranian Revolution inspired Islamic revivalist movements and anti-imperialistic sentiments in the Middle East. Despite international isolation, Khomeini remained defiant and emphasized self-sufficiency.

He continued as Iran's Supreme Leader until his death on June 3, 1989. Despite his controversial legacy, Khomeini's influence on Iran and the wider Islamic world is undeniable. His blend of political and religious leadership remains the defining characteristic of Iran's political system. His life and leadership marked a seismic shift in the region's politics, religion, and relations with the West.


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Sep 13, 2023



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