Today is:   September 20

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About the 10th National Eucharistic Congress

United States
10th National Eucharistic Congress (C)(US-IN)
Christian , Religion
Family & Friends , Conferences & Symposiums
United States
Dates Active:
Begins: Jul 17, 2024
Ends: Jul 21, 2024
Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana


The National Eucharistic Congress is the largest gathering of Catholics in celebration and faith in the United States since 1941. Over 80,000 devotees will descend upon Indianapolis, Indiana, for a week of community and prayer, making this a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage for many Catholics leading into the 2025 Year of Jubilee.

The National Eucharistic Congress will be a week of deep spiritual intimacy, drawing the Catholic Church closer to the Eucharistic Lord and igniting hearts with divine love. With participants attending from across the country, the Congress will be marked by prayer and liturgical offerings to the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit.

This five-day event will begin with the convergence of the four branches of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, symbolizing unity. Gathered as one Church, participants will offer their imperfect hearts to God and seek revelation by breaking bread, echoing the Road to Emmaus (post-resurrection appearance of Christ) experience.

The first full day will be centered on a kerygmatic proclamation, inviting attendees into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. It will include a celebration of the Eucharist and an exploration of personal stories within salvation history.

Day three will focus on healing and repentance, addressing the Church's individual and corporate levels. Attendees will be provided opportunities for whole-person healing and recognize areas where the Church has failed, seeking unity through purification and restoration.
On the fourth day, inspired by Acts 2:42 and the early Church, the Congress will emphasize devotion to apostolic teaching, communal life, the breaking of bread, and prayers. Participants will be encouraged to emulate the disciples in their love for God and neighbor.

The final day will resonate with Pope Francis' views on the Eucharist as a call to missionary action. It will mark the commissioning of participants to bring the Father's message of mercy to the world. This closing of the Congress sets the stage for the third year of the National Eucharistic Revival, ushering in the Year of Mission. The Congress seeks to recognize, heal, and unify the Church, inspiring a renewed zeal in the hearts of believers.

Reservations are limited for this amazing event. Those wanting to attend are encouraged to do so early.



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Sep 13, 2023



Jubilee LLC, 1712 Pioneer Avenue,Suite 2019 Cheyenne, WY 82001 +1 (484) 226 4777

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